The large-scale network analytics lab tackles challenging problems in network analytics to explore future directions in the processing and analysis of large-scale networks.

Professor Ying Zhang | Lab Director

Associate Professor Lu Qin | Lab Co-Director
The Large-scale Network Analytics (LNA) Lab focuses on conducting fundamental research to tackle challenging problems in network analytics and explore future directions in the processing and analysis of large-scale networks. The group also aims to establish theoretical foundations for handling large-scale, highly dynamic and complex networks using parallel, distributed, external, and other cloud computing technologies.

Upper left: Mining and analysing large-scale graphs (networks) such as the World Wide Web, social networks, biological networks or mobile phone networks help to detect patterns in vast datasets with billions of nodes and interconnections between them. Image: NASA / Unsplash.
Upper right: Large graph model detecting online communities and interconnected relationships.
Lower left: Analysis clustering
Lower right: Analysing clustering in social networks