UTS:ACRI offers a research grants program to support the development of research by academics in UTS faculties and institutes across a variety of disciplines that will help inform Australia-China relations.
Grant applications undergo strict and rigorous assessment by the UTS:ACRI Grants Assessment Committee. The Committee is comprised of academics with demonstrated research credentials and standing.
Learn more about UTS:ACRI’s grants program, including eligibility and the application process here.
2024 UTS:ACRI Research Grant recipients
- Professor Mark Beeson, UTS:ACRI, Understanding China-Australia relations: Time for a quantum leap?
- Dr Lai-Ha Chan, UTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, A new frontier in the South Pacific geopolitics: How Nauru’s advocacy of deep-sea mining and resumption of diplomatic relations with China affect Australia’s strategic interests?
- Dr Sameera Durrani, UTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, How does China challenge Australian soft power? Exploring regional playbooks of adversarial branding
- Professor Youguang Guo, UTS Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Analysing the role of electric vehicles in shaping the future Australia-China research and economic relationship
- Associate Professor Colin Hawes, UTS Faculty of Law, Comparing Australian and European perspectives and policies on Chinese in-bound corporate investment
- Associate Professor Kaveh Khalilpour, UTS Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Electrifying tomorrow - Advancing cooperation in the industrial chain of electric vehicles in Australia and China
- Dr Minran Liu, UTS:ACRI, Revisiting Chinese-Australian perspectives on indigenous policies
- Professor Kathy Walsh, UTS Business School, RMB internationalisation and implications for Australia
2023 UTS:ACRI Research Grant recipients
- Associate Professor Song Shi, UTS Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, The competitiveness and barriers of Chinese agents in the Australian housing market
- Professor Wanning Sun, UTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, News consumption and belonging: Australian media coverage of China and Mandarin-speaking first-generation migrants in Australia
2022 UTS:ACRI Research Grant recipients
- Dr Lai-Ha Chan, UTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Can like-minded minilateralism help Australia to defend itself from the China challenge?
- Associate Professor Grace Li, UTS Faculty of Law, Surveying Chinese students’ attitudes to studying law in Australia
- Professor Kathy Walsh, UTS Business School, The impact of short selling on stock market manipulation in China
- Associate Professor Jianxin Wang, UTS Business School, China’s financial opening and the risks and benefits for Australia
2021 UTS:ACRI Research Grant recipients
- Associate Professor Colin Hawes, UTS Faculty of Law, United States sanctions on Chinese telecom and hi-tech firms, and their impact on Australia-China relations
- Dr Yongjian Ke, UTS Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, Public perceptions of Chinese investment in Australian infrastructure: a Twitter study
- Dr Soojin Kim, UTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Alliance or/and enemy? Debunking perceptual antecedents, attitudinal changes and behavioural outcomes toward diplomatic relationships with China
- Professor Kathy Walsh, UTS Business School, Is Australia ready for China’s digital currency? An investigation of benefits, risks and perceptions
- Professor Stuart White, UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures, Food, diet and sustainability: future trends and opportunities for Australia-China cooperation
- Associate Professor Jingdong Yuan, UTS:ACRI, Divide and conquer: Beijing’s wedge strategies and the fragility of US alliances in Asia
2020 UTS:ACRI Research Grant recipients
- Dr Lai-Ha Chan, UTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Australia’s half-hearted engagement with the FOIP and the BRI: the role of middle power identity
- Associate Professor Colin Hawes, UTS Faculty of Law, The Chinese corporate ecosystem
- Dr Susie Khamis, UTS Business School, The role of popular social media and digital public diplomacy in Australia-China relations: Analysis of how Facebook and WeChat influence nation branding and mutual perceptions
- Associate Professor Shiko Maruyama, UTS Business School, Not only exporting education but also importing brains? Chinese students’ migration decision after graduation
- Professor Greg McCarthy, UTS:ACRI, Australia-China relations: understanding Australia in China
- Dr Suwin Sandu, UTS Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, The role of hydrogen energy in shaping the future Australia-China economic relationship: A macroeconomic analysis
- Associate Professor Song Shi, UTS Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, Do Chinese buyers push up Sydney housing prices?
- Professor Kathy Walsh, UTS Business School, Could China’s digital currency be a catalyst for internationalising the Renminbi?
- Associate Professor Jingqing Yang, UTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, New narratives and novel coronavirus: China’s COVID war on mass media
- Dr Yi Zhang, UTS Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, What is the role of Australia-China collaboration in Australia’s AI research: A study of competitive technological intelligence