Quantum Computer Science School 2020
A three-day series of lectures and academic activities for undergraduate students on quantum information and computation.
The Quantum Computer Science School will be held at the University of Technology Sydney from 14 to 16 January, 2020, with three days of lectures and academic activities, targeting senior undergraduates and graduate students from Australian and Asian universities. The school is co-organised by the Centre for Quantum Software and Information at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS QSI), and the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS) at the Tsinghua University, to combine academic learning, problem solving and cultural exchange.
Lectures will focus on topics ranging from quantum information to quantum computation, and will be presented by renowned experts in their relevant fields, including Distinguished Professor Mingsheng Ying, Professor Michael Bremner, Associate Professor Troy Lee, Professor Luming Duan, and Assistant Professor Ran Duan. This gives a rare opportunity for students to catch up with the trend of quantum software and information. More detailed information can be found on the event website.
Senior undergraduate and graduates in science and engineering in Australian and Asian Universities are very welcome to participate in this school. A background in basic mathematics (linear algebra, calculus, discrete mathematics) is assumed and although not essential, a familiarity of algorithms and quantum information would be helpful.
While there is no registration fee, registration is essential. To register, send your name and affiliation via email to Dr Youming Qiao with the email title “Register for QCSS 2020”. For non-Australian students, please provide a copy of your CV, so that we can provide invitation letters to eligible students for their visa application. Lunches and refreshments will be provided. Due to a limited budget, we are unable to provide support for travel related expenses to the Quantum Computer Science School.