QSI Seminar: Dr Francesco Petiziol (TU Berlin)
Cavity-based artificial quantum baths for Floquet-engineered superconducting circuits
SPEAKER: Dr Francesco Petiziol
ABSTRACT: We show how nonequilibrium quantum states can be prepared and stabilized by combining time-periodic driving (Floquet engineering) with artificial quantum baths, as they can be realized in quantum simulators based on superconducting circuits. Considering lattices of periodically driven artificial atoms coupled to pumped-damped cavities, we characterize regimes, where, on the one hand, the periodic drive can produce effective Hamiltonians with desired properties while, on the other, the cavities induce controlled dissipation cooling the systems to the effective ground state. We will illustrate this mech- anism in the robust preparation of chiral photon currents and Aharonov-Bohm cages.
HOSTED BY: A/Prof Nathan Langford, Centre for Quantum Software and Information, University of Technology Sydney, Australia