QSI prospective PhD students information session
Information session for students interested in pursuing a PhD in Quantum Computing.
Quantum computers have emerged as the most viable candidate for a computing technology that can push beyond the limitations of the classical Turing Machine and the oncoming consequences of the end of Moore’s Law. This key technology stems from the realisation that information processing is fundamentally connected to physical theories and that our most basic physical theory determines our capacity to process information. Quantum Information Science lies at the intersection of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering and this interdisciplinary approach has caused a revolution in thinking in both the physical and information sciences.
Information is physical.
Rolf Landauer, IBM
The UTS Centre for Quantum Software and Information (UTS QSI) is seeking inquisitive students to join our PhD program. On 17 September we will be holding an information session introducing interested students to some of the research being undertaken within UTS QSI and on the nature of the projects available to potential students.
- An introduction to UTS QSI – Prof Zhengfeng Ji, Acting Director
- Quantum Cryptography – A/Prof Troy Lee
- Near-term Quantum Computing – Prof Michael Bremner
- Quantum Algorithms – Dr Youming Qiao
- Quantum Information Theory – Dr Marco Tomamichel
- Quantum Programming and Verification – Prof Yuan Feng
- Q&A session – All
UTS QSI works with researchers around the world both on the foundational understanding of quantum information science and on developing the software and information processing infrastructure required for future quantum technologies. Our research spans the “full stack” of the theoretical development of quantum computing and communication. Research strengths include quantum:
- Control and characterisation
- Architectures and fault tolerance
- Algorithms, complexity, and applications
- Programming languages and software development
- Machine learning and AI applications
- Security and networking
UTS QSI’s expertise in the software and information processing capabilities of quantum computing and communication technologies places it in a unique position in the Australian quantum technology research community, with a software and theory research program that complements the hardware focus of other Australian teams.