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Future industries

Data analytics for water security

A partnership between the UTS Advanced Analytics Institute and the NSW Department of Industries (Water) is resulting in more efficient management of water resources through the application of data analytics.

Data science: Transforming business and decisions

Personalising medical treatment. Reducing credit card risk. Identifying students who need help. Ensuring everyone pays their fair share of tax – no more and no less. The applications of data science are endless and meaningful, says Eureka Prize-winning data scientist Professor Longbing Cao.

AI provides sweet results for Australian berry farms

Harvesting is one of the most expensive operations in commercial berry production, and one of the more complex to manage. Now, the power of data science and artificial intelligence (AI) is being applied to the process, with benefits for growers, the food supply chain – and berry lovers.

Breakthroughs in antibiotic resistance

New insights into the way bacteria move are already changing the medical device industry and could prove crucial in the fight against multi-drug-resistant superbugs.

Deeper insights from the data

Across the globe, we’re creating 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day. Hidden within it are insights that can help businesses understand their customers, identify future trends, and make smart business decisions – if only they knew how.