Providing valued services to help researchers focus on excellence and achieving impact
Future state
- Lifetime learning is pursued with outstanding development opportunities for all staff
- Seamless research support across UTS with a shared understanding of best-practice
- Adopt an adaptive team-based approach to research support, where cross-functional teams are brought together from across the university to achieve specific goals and projects
- Clearly defined roles and responsibilities, with in-built flexibility to respond to changing needs
- Offer resources that are flexible and adaptable to achieve positive and timely outcomes
Example activities
- Research Excellence and Support Hub (RES Hub)—a central digital and physical space for UTS research support
- Research capability and development framework—formulate an outcomes-focused framework of the skills that researchers and professional staff need, and the development opportunities to deliver excellent research that can be used by staff to explore their capability needs and by the university to provide the best development opportunities for staff
- Proposal repository—an archive of recent successful grant applications to model best practice
Achievements to date
- Reframing and restructure of the Research Office including new ways of working, partnership model and renaming
- Creation of new research capability and development framework in response to requests for professional development opportunities
- RES Hub pilot completed with digital and physical spaces in development
--- Research Excellence and Support Hub
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