Global Network Side Meetings
WHOCC Involvement: Debra Anderson, Michele Rumsey, Tasmin Goldsmith

It is hoped that this exchange of information will assist the GNWHOCCNM's to gain a better understanding of work being undertaken and to consider potential collaborative work in the future.
Global Partners Meeting in Geneva, May 2024
The Global Partners Meeting (GPM) on Nursing and Midwifery, formerly known as the “Triad Meeting,” was held in Geneva on May 23rd and 24th, 2024. This event, hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), and the International Council of Nurses (ICN), saw participation from nursing and midwifery leaders from 152 countries. In conjunction with the GPM, the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery (GNWHOCCNM) held a meeting on May 22nd. The meeting, hosted by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Development at the University of Technology Sydney (WHO CC UTS), served as the Secretariat for the GNWHOCCNM.
The GNWHOCCNM meeting provided a crucial opportunity for representatives from 34 Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery, along with partners such as Sigma Nursing and Jhpiego, to convene both in-person and online. The meeting focused on strengthening connections, partnerships, and collaboration among these Collaborating Centres and key institutional stakeholders, including WHO, ICM, and ICN. It also aimed to promote collaboration and communication among network members in alignment with the WHO Strategic Directions in Nursing and Midwifery (SDNM) Policy Priorities 2021-2025, which include Education, Jobs, Leadership, and Service Delivery.
To read more about this meeting, click here.

International Confederation of Midwives Congress in Bali, June 2023
WHO CC UTS participated in the prestigious 33rd International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Triennial Congress held in Bali, Indonesia, from June 11-14, 2023. The congress, themed "Together again: from evidence to reality," brought together an array of distinguished midwifery leaders, enthusiastic young minds, and participants from across the globe to celebrate midwifery's vital role in improving maternal and newborn health.
WHO CC UTS was represented by a team of eminent midwives, showcasing their dedication and commitment to advancing the field. Dr. Vanessa Scarf, Dr. Loretta Musgrave, Dr. Heike Roth, Associate Professor Christine Catling, and Professor Kathleen Baird showcased their pioneering work, shedding light on evidence-based practices and groundbreaking research in the midwifery domain.

International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress in Montreal, July 2023
Themed “Nurses together: a force for global health”," the ICN Congress 2023 highlighted the pivotal role of nurses in achieving Universal Health Coverage and promoting sustainable development. From July 1st to 5th, the congress held various workshops, aiming to inspire action, foster innovation, and build strong networks to address current and future challenges in the healthcare sector.
The Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery (GNWHOCCNM) hosted a meeting during the event, bringing together representatives from various World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery and partners. The meeting focused on fostering collaboration and synergy among these Collaborating Centres and facilitated discussions around strengthening the capacities of nurses and midwives, enhancing research and data collection, and the sharing of tools and resources. Prof. Michele Rumsey, Director of WHO CC UTS, and the Secretariat of the GNWHOCCNM, facilitated the meeting presenting findings from interviews held with each collaborating centre earlier this year.
Both the GNWHOCCNM Meeting and the ICN Congress facilitated networking among participants, paving the way for future partnerships and collaborations. The exchange of ideas and experiences between nurses from different countries and specialties encouraged cross-cultural learning and the adoption of best practices worldwide.

Sigma Theta Tau International's (STTI) 43rd Biennial Convention in Las Vegas, USA, November 2015
n November 2015, Michele Rumsey represented WHO CC UTS at this international nursing conference which is held every two years. The Convention theme for 2015 was ‘Serve Locally, Transform Regionally, Lead Globally’. Sessions aimed to explore innovative strategies to promote excellence in global nursing.
Ms Rumsey attended on behalf of WHO CC, facilitated a side meeting of WHO CCs at the event and also attended a meeting of representatives from the Global Advisory Panel on the Future of Nursing.
STTI’s Conferences are world renowned and WHO CC UTS’s participation increases our standing and visibility with international peers, providing a platform to advocate for Western Pacific nurses and midwives.