Why should we care about research quality?
Come along to RES Hub and be part of a research community and give your views on how we can have the highest standards of research practice at UTS.
This session will include a case study from UTS researchers who will elaborate how they are working to achieve the highest standards of integrity in their field.
Unethical and malpractice and even setting up deliberate hoaxes in the conduct of research, sadly does happen and can have profound and far-reaching consequences. The infamous Lancet paper by Andrew Wakefield that fraudulently suggested a link between autism and childhood vaccines, is one such example, with publicity around this hoax in part fuelling an increase in vaccine hesitancy. Retraction Watch reported that leading journals all have to remain vigilant about the need to retract work, PloS One alone reportedly had to retract over 50 papers last year.
This leads us as a research community at UTS to ask some important questions:
- How should we at UTS create a research culture that functions with the highest standards of integrity?
- How do we ensure the right support mechanisms and processes to enable ethical and responsible practice to be embedded in all our research?
- Distinguished Professor Aaron Coutts
Discipline Lead, Sport and Exercise Science
Director, Human Performance Research Centre - Professor Franco Impellizzeri
Sport and Exercise Science - Louise Wheeler
Manager, Research Integrity and Research Programs