The Biomedical Data Science Laboratory uses knowledge as the infrastructure to support decision making in biomedicine, most notably by assisting clinicians and biologists in cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Biomedical Data Science Lab
The Biomedical Data Science Lab's mission is to examine and build data pipelines for the new age of data in the form of software tools that can examine, extract and transport knowledge throughout these ecologies. Research focuses on improving knowledge discovery and decision-making in large, distributed open systems.
Data analytics in biomedical and clinical domains
The Biomedical Data Science (BDS) Lab aims to develop computational intelligence for decision making in biomedical and clinical domains. The lab’s research team is helping to predict treatment outcomes for paediatric cancer and is assisting in vaccine discovery methods for agriculture. Researchers at Biomedical Data Science Lab are also developing approaches for text analytics in social media and language design, and knowledge discovery using pattern calculus.