The Vice-Chancellor's Learning and Teaching Awards and Citations recognise the importance of learning and teaching for both undergraduate and postgraduate students within the framework of the UTS model of global practice-oriented education. Awarded annually, they are aligned with the national teaching and learning awards and citations schemes, many successful applicants have gone on to win national Citations or Teaching Awards.

Congratulations to 2018 award and citation recipients.
Award winners
Team Teaching Award
Helena Asher-Chiang (Team Leader), Dr Alex Thomson, Naomi Koh Belic
UTS Careers and Science
Building science students’ self-confidence and employability skills through collaborative career development learning.
Individual Teaching Award Winner
Dr Catherine Gorrie
Embedding learning activities in the Biomedical science course that require students to think independently, use their initiative and to be creative.
Early Career Teaching Award
Dr Simon Knight
Transdisciplinary Innovation
Leading learning.futures approaches to data literacy.
Teaching by Casual or Sessional Staff Member Award
Dr Amir Armanious
For exponential learning and better employability, finance and economics curricula are restructured to enhance students’ skills by thinking critically and working collaboratively using real-world simulations.
Learning.futures Teaching Award
Dr Ann Reich (Team Leader), Dr Donna Rooney, Dr Nick Hopwood, Dr Gregory Martin, Dr Amanda Lizier, Annie Agnew, Dr Jacqui McManus, Catherine Raffaele, and Amy Thomas
Arts & Social Sciences
An innovative whole-of-course design for the Masters of Education (Learning & Leadership): Embedding learning.futures in the whole-of-course curriculum development and learning and teaching
Learning.futures Teaching Award Winner
Dr Nicole Sutton (Team Leader) and Raechel Wight
Try, try and try again: a continuous, collective approach to doing learning.futures.
Strengthening the UTS Model of Learning Award
Dr Julia Prior
Engineering & Information Technology
The Software Development Studio: conception, realisation and a demonstrable educational success.
A contribution to Social Impact in Learning Award
Dr Jane Hunter
Arts and Social Sciences
Building innovative practices in teaching and learning for preservice high school English teachers.
Commendation recipients
Indigenous Professional Capabilities - High Commendation
Dr Campbell Drake (Team Leader), Allan Teale and Michael Day
Design, Architecture & Building
On Country Learning: The integration of Indigenous cultural competencies and professional capabilities for second-year Interior Architecture students in Spatial Agency Design Studios.
Teaching by Casual or Sessional Staff Member – Commendation
John Burke
Bringing theory to life: How a difficult subject became an authentic work-ready opportunity.
Team Teaching - High Commendation
A/Prof Deborah Edwards (Team Leader), A/Prof Carmel Foley, Meg Hibbins
Scaling support for individual learning journeys in a large Masters capstone to motivate student success.
Citation recipients
A/Prof Beth Goldblatt (Team Leader), Rachel Coventry
Deepening students' professional readiness through practice-oriented learning within a diverse and integrated legal internship program in local and international settings.
Dr Cherie Lucas (Team Leader), Dr Caleb Ferguson, Carolyn Hayes, Dr Tamara Power
Graduate School of Health and Faculty of Health
'Two heads are better than one' - Development, Implementation and Sustainability of a Novel Teaching and Learning Model (RIPE: Reflective lnterprofessional Education Model) to enhance Collaboration
Lorely Aponte Ortiz
Arts & Social Sciences
“From parallel play to collaborative meaning-making” – Approaches to teaching that motivate students to learn and experience different perspectives through Spanish.
Dr Kristine McGrath (Team Leader), Dr Jacqueline Melvold, Dr Renee Dowse
Integrating student peer review into a large first-year science subject.
A/Prof Maurizio Labbate (Team Leader), Dr Yvonne Davila, Neela Griffiths
Science and Institute for Interactive Media and Learning
Empowering science students with writing skills that improve academic integrity and develop scientific written communication practices.
Penny Hooper
Arts & Social Sciences
Developing students’ Chinese language proficiency through student-centred interaction.Dr Sean Walsh (Team Leader), Dr Adam Morgan
Science and Institute for Interactive Media and Learning
Supporting students' collaborative learning journeys using visualisation reflective practices to map and make sense of group work experiences.