Pictured: Some of the award and citation recipients after the announcement at the online UTS Learning and Teaching Forum.
Academic Support Award
Dr Emily Edwards, Cameron Hart, Dr Caroline Havery, Dr Rosalie Goldsmith, Neil James, Pam Mort, Dr Aurora Murphy, Dr Deborah Nixon, Gemma O’Donoghue, Fio Pereda and Joseph Yeo
Institute for Interactive Media and Learning
For implementing a successful academic English language framework.
Teaching by a Casual or Sessional Staff Member Award
Dr Lin Wei
Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building
For engaging international design students during a global pandemic.
Teaching by a Casual or Sessional Staff Member Award High Commendation
Kristina Vojvoda
UTS Business School
For empowering accounting students and tutors through engaging learning experiences.
Early Career Teaching Award
Dr Nic Surawski
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
For achieving excellence in civil and environmental engineering student outcomes.
Individual Teaching Award
Helen Benson
Faculty of Health
For empowering the pharmacists of the future to become medication experts in multidisciplinary teams.
Individual Teaching Award High Commendation
Dr Amanda French
Faculty of Health
For empowering orthoptic students to be confident and capable professionals.
learning.futures Award (Team)
A/Professor Lynn Sinclair, Prof Joanne Travaglia, Dr Deborah Debono and Gail Forrest
Faculty of Health
Michelle Hrlec
postgraduate.futures Learning Design Team
For Health OPM, a paradigm shift in learning and teaching.
learning.futures Award (Individual)
Dr Elyse Methven
Faculty of Law
For engaging students in active learning that develops justice-oriented professionals.
Contribution to Social Impact and Learning and Teaching Award
A/Professor Carmel Foley and Meg Hibbins
UTS Business School
For innovative design of a WIL capstone subject that enhances social justice and employability for transition to graduate employment.
Team Teaching Award
Dr Eva Cheng, Jeremy Lindeck, Dr Tania Machet, Ms Tanvi Bhatia and John Gaspar, Timothy Boye
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
For developing ‘whole of course’ engineering and IT professional practice.
Strengthening the UTS Model of Learning Award
Beata Francis, Professor Roger Hadgraft, A/Professor Valerie Gay, Dr Ricardo Aguilera, Dr Marc Carmichael, Dr Amara Atif, Dr Jaime Garcia
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
For transforming learning in FEIT through studios.
Strengthening the UTS Model of Learning Award
Dr Paul Brown, Dr Jacqueline Melvold, Tyler Key, Lucy Allen, Dr Cat Kutay, Stephanie Bhim, Wilfried Sharp, Jarnae Leslie and Stephen Rutter
TD School
For transforming the learning of creative innovators at scale and online.
- Rebecca Bachmann, UTS Business School
- Dr Rosemary Sainty, UTS Business School
- Dr Simone Faulkner and Dr James Wakefield, UTS Business School
- Dr Keith Heggart, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- Michaela Zappia, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- Ahmed Al-Zubaydi, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
- Distinguished Professor Tracy Levett-Jones, Dr Jacqui Pich and Natalie Govind, Faculty of Health
- Distinguished Professor Tracy Levett-Jones, Dr Jacqui Pich, Natalie Govind, Dr Samantha Jakimowicz, Prof Jane Maguire, Dr Fiona Orr, Sue Dean and A/Professor Michelle Kelly, Faculty of Health
- Dr Anthea Vogl and Dr Sara Dehm, Faculty of Law
- Dr Evana Wright, Faculty of Law