Irina Kabakova: Group Leader – Brillouin Imaging and Associate Professor, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science
About my work
I am an expert in optical physics, biomedical imaging, spectroscopy and the physics of light-sound interactions and a passionate advocate for gender balance and equity in academia.
At the moment I am developing Brillouin microscopy and spectroscopy systems for mapping micromechanical properties of cells and tissues in 3D. This technology is based on the interaction of light waves with high frequency sound waves, uses no labels and presents no hazard to tissues and cells. In the future, Brillouin imaging can revolutionise medical diagnostics of diseases such as lung fibrosis and cancers and replace tissue histology, a conventional approach used to date that requires long processing times, tissue excision and is prone to diagnostic error.
As the Lead of the Academic Women in Science (AWiS), since 2021, I am involved in organising and managing a series of networking events and development seminars for academic women at the Faculty of Science (FoS). Our Academic Women in STEM Promotions Workshop (Feb 2022) was attended by 35 academics across FoS and REIT. This event showcased several stellar women in Science and their journeys to academic promotions and included a 30min Q&A session that was very well received with high engagement from the attendees.
A memorable win
As a researcher, my main achievement to date is establishing the first Brillouin imaging laboratory on Australian soil, building the first facility of this kind, here at UTS. It has been a very satisfactory feeling watching it grow, become better equipped and capable of increasingly sophisticated measurements. It is also very fulfilling to see new generations of scientists (students, postdocs and professional personnel) being trained, successful in their project, graduating with high marks and finding further study and work opportunities for themselves. I am also very happy to see the group and the laboratory under my leadership attracting high numbers of female students and junior researchers, thus I see myself instrumental in changing the gender profile and stereotype in technical sciences such as physics
Bio: A/Prof Irina Kabakova works at the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, leads Brillouin Imaging Group as well as teaches a number of core 3rd year subjects in Optics and Biomedical Diagnostics. She is a passionate advocate for gender balance and equity in academia, leading Academic Women in Science (AWiS) network since 2021. She was born and brought up in Russia and came to Australia to do her PhD degree at the University of Sydney. Since her graduation in 2012, she has worked in science in the UK and the Netherlands, before coming to Sydney for her job at UTS. Working in 4 different countries over the span of her research career and being immersed in multidisciplinary and multicultural environments, Irina excels in collaborative research engaging across disciplines, academia and industry.
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