UTS Orthoptics is a discipline area within the Graduate School of Health at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
Orthoptics: A profession in health care

UTS Orthoptics was established in 2014 to address significant unmet demand in eye therapy. It provides innovative, practice-based orthoptics education and high impact research that promotes excellence in eye healthcare.
Learn more about the Graduate School of Health
Orthoptists are eye therapists. They are healthcare professionals who are trained in the assessment and treatment of patients with eye disorders and who work across both hospital and community settings.
brochure: What is an orthoptist? (pdf, 205.6KB)
Partner of the profession
UTS has a long-standing reputation for being a preferred partner of the professions. UTS Orthoptics continues this tradition with close partnerships with NSW Health and Orthoptics Australia, collaborating in the area of clinical placements and sharing the role of promoting the orthoptics profession.
Who are our academics?
As well as being experienced Orthoptists, many of our academics are internationally renowned researchers who shape current and future orthoptics practice.