Jia Hao Tsia
I believe that the more sophisticated learning that I will take away by the end of my MPA will be...
“As part of my undergraduate/bachelor degree I was privileged to be able to study with both the Science and Business faculties. While working in my current role, I had decided to continue studying by engaging in a MPA. UTS Business School has historically provided teachers who are well versed in their respective industries and teach in a manner which assists student understanding. This is an essential quality in any student life and was a significant contributor to my decision in choosing UTS Business School.
"While my undergraduate degree provided essential needs as to analysis and problem solving required in the professional services and business industry, my MPA provides a more specialised and specific area of study. The MPA not only provides those without previous background essential knowledge about accounting, it opens the door (upon completion) to completing both a CA and CPA. With this comes the ability to branch your career in many more directions, such as moving towards a managerial role or a professional services role.
"The Master of Professional Accounting provides essential basic knowledge in the first instance while providing substantially more sophisticated education for those who wish to take that extra step further. I believe that the more sophisticated learning that I will take away by the end of my MPA will be the most rewarding aspect of my degree. “