Robert Guzowski
Studying at UTS is great because of the practical focus of the teaching.
Which high school did you attend? St Ignatius College, Riverview.
Which degree are you studying? What year are you in? Third year Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology).
What led you to choose UTS for your studies in Law? Several factors led me to choose UTS, but the clincher was that UTS allowed me to combine the study of law with a really interesting and promising field of science – biotechnology.
What influenced your decision? Both of my elder brothers are alumni of UTS – albeit from the Business School – so my family was a big influencing factor in deciding to come here.
How have your studies at UTS helped you in finding a career path? Interaction with lecturers and other students at uni actually led to my current employment at the university, so my studies at UTS have definitely helped me in starting my career. That said, I’m certain that my career ‘path’ is far from straight or settled!
Are you working while studying? If so, how do you manage the competing demands of university and work? I’ve currently got two jobs at UTS, and I recently left a third job outside of uni in preparation for the exam period. All of these jobs are on a casual basis, which is really the only possibility for me because of the long hours of labs and practicals involved in doing a science degree. However, I’m living proof that juggling study and some kind of financial independence is possible.
How has your learning experience at UTS prepared you for your career? Studying at UTS is great because of the practical focus of the teaching. However, I think what has helped even more are the events run by the student societies here at UTS: the information nights and clerkship talks (organised by the Law Students’ Society) and the networking sessions (organised by the Medical Bioscience Body of Students) have really given me an insight into what a career in these fields may hold.
What sets UTS students apart in your field? UTS:Law students are set apart from other law graduates in that they can elect to complete Practical Legal Training – a certification program administered by the College of Law – as part of their course at UTS. This, combined with the hands-on, practical focus of the teaching across the entire university, produces graduates, especially law graduates, who truly are workforce-ready.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your degree? Why? I think the reason I choose my degree is because I wanted to make a difference – I’m just a doe-eyed idealist at heart. And studying at UTS has really allowed me to act on my desire to help others through some of the co-curricular activities available: the BUiLD (Beyond UTS International Leadership Development) Society, the Brennan Justice and Leadership Program and the U:PASS Program have all helped me to give back to the University and wider communities.
What sort of work do you hope to be doing after you graduate? I’m hoping to eventually work in an area that combines my two areas of study – law and biotechnology. In particular, I would like to help reform the regulatory landscape that stifles innovation in areas such as biotech, but I think I’d call that a long term goal. In the meantime, with two years to go in my degree, I’m happy to work anywhere in the field, learning and increasing my experience.
What is the most useful thing you have learned from your degree so far? By far the most important and valuable thing my degree has taught me is a solid work ethic and good time management. These things have been slow in the learning, and I’m sure that I can still improve in both areas, but the sooner you can start focusing on improving these skills, the better!
Has anyone in particular at the University had a significant influence on your studies? I’ve met many people at the University who have inspired me with their example. From successful advocates to driven academics, from renowned innovators to individuals who are sticking to their passion and realising it – these people have showed me that the extraordinary isn’t out of reach; it’s just a matter of hard work and perseverance.
What would your advice be for someone who is looking at studying Law at UTS? There are lots of things going for the UTS Law Faculty: award-winning teaching, an integrated practical focus and strong industry links, not to mention a great location.
Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience at UTS:Law, or the University as a whole? Get involved! The time you spend at university is some of the best time in your life, but you’ll only get out what you put in. There’s so much more to the university experience than just studying – there are the social, cultural and professional aspects, just to name a few. So explore the opportunities that UTS has to offer and be part of it!