Michael Walz
The most enjoyable aspect of my degree is the challenge that it presents each day.
What is your major?
Nanotechnology and Electrical Engineering
What motivated you to study this degree/major?
Physics and Chemistry were two subjects for which I always had a passion. I enjoyed discovering how the world worked. I initially started my university career enrolled in a Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology, which combines aspects of both chemistry and physics degrees. After a couple of years, I chose to change courses to include an Engineering degree, as I developed an interest in the area of electricity, as well as wanting to study the practical application of physics.
What do you enjoy most about your degree?
The most enjoyable aspect of my degree is the challenge that it presents each day. There is always a new concept to learn or a new problem to solve.
Why did you choose to study at UTS?
When I was applying for undergraduate courses, UTS was one of two universities that offered a BSc in Nanotechnology. The course at UTS was (and still is) largely based on practical and hands on learning, which appealed to me. I was also attracted towards UTS Science as the facilities were modern and contained the latest in equipment.
What is it like to study at UTS Science?
Studying at UTS Science is always enjoyable. The UTS environment is one that I find myself to be most productive, as it is designed with the students’ needs in mind. There is always a space to do some work, or a computer available.
Is there any advice you would give to students studying this degree?
Immerse yourself in the university lifestyle. Don’t be afraid to talk to academics or your fellow students, as they are often the best sources of knowledge.
What would you like to do once you complete by your degree?
As my Engineering degree major focuses on power and energy, I would like to find a way to apply nanotechnology to this industry.