Faculty of Engineering and IT staff
Name Sort descending | Positions | |
Aaron, Allan |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Abadee, Gracie |
Communications SPROUT, Women in Engineering and IT, Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) |
Abasi, Ariba |
Lecturer, School of Professional Practice and Leadership |
Abbasi, Maysam |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Abd Majid, Sha |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Abdo, Peter |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Abdollahi Lorestani, Mahrokh |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Abewardana Jayawickrama, Beeshanga
Beeshanga received BEng in Telecommunications Engineering (Hons I) and PhD in Electronic Engineering (Wireless Communications) degrees from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, in 2011 and 2015…
Visiting Fellow, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Abidi, Shaukat |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Abolhasan, Mehran
A/Prof. Mehran Abolhasan completed his B.E in Computer Engineering and PhD in Telecommunications on 1999 and 2003 respectively at the University of Wollongong. From July 2003, he joined the Smart…
Professor, School of Electrical and Data Engineering Associate Professor, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Abraham, Ragy |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Abtahi, Seyedhesamaldin |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Abuhilaleh, Mohammad |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Adak, Chandranath
Chandranath Adak is currently a researcher at CIBCI (Computational Intelligence & Brain-Computer Interface) Lab, University of Technology Sydney (UTS). He submitted his PhD (Analytics) thesis on…
Visiting Fellow, School of Computer Science |
Adel Saharkhiz, Maryam |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Aditya, Lisa |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Afrin, Habiba |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Afrose, MST Dinara |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Afzal, Muhammad |
Visiting Fellow, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Agarwal, Kashish |
Sprout, Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) |
Agrawal, Arti
Dr. Agrawal joined UTS in January 2018 with time evenly split between roles of Associate Professor in the School of Electrical and Data Engineering within the Faculty of Engineering and IT, and…
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Aguilera Echeverria, Ricardo
Ricardo P. Aguilera received his B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile, in 2003; his M.Sc. degree in electronics engineering from the Universidad Tecnica…
Associate Professor, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Agustin, Sarah Mae |
Student Ambassador, Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) |
Ahadi, Alireza
My primary research interests are in the cognitive development of the novice computer programmer, and bioinformatics.
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Ahmed, Foez |
Visiting Fellow, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Ahuja, Taran |
Manager, UTS IDeA, Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) |
Ai, Jing |
Visiting Scholar, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Aitken, Helen |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Aitken, Ebony |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Akram, Saba |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Akther, Nawshad |
Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Al Hunaity, Suleiman |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Al-Doghman, Firas |
Lecturer, School of Computer Science |
Al-Kilidar, Hiyam
Hiyam is an accomplished Senior-level University academic and researcher in Project Management, Leadership and Education in multi- disciplinary projects. She is also the Master of Engineering…
Deputy Head of School (Teaching and Learning), School of Professional Practice and Leadership |
Al-Najjar, Husam |
Lecturer, School of Computer Science |
Al-Soeidat, Mohammad |
Senior Research Assistant, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Al-widyan, Fatma |
Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Al-zqebah, Ruba |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Al-Zubaydi, Ahmed |
Research Assistant, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Alam, Tyana |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Alam, Md Morshed |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Alam, KC |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Alaslani, Asma |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Albano, Federico |
Internship, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Aldridge-Sutton, Robin |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Alem, Leila
Leila Alem is an Adjunct professor at the UTS faculty of engineering and information technology .She was a principal research scientist at the CSIRO Digital Productivity and Services based in Sydney…
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Alempijevic, Alen
Alen Alempijevic received his B.Eng. Computer Systems Engineering with First Class Honors and PhD degree from the University of Technology Sydney (Australia) in 2004 and 2009 respectively. He joined…
Senior Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Alfonso Sanchez, Sofia |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Alharbi, Sultan |
Research Assistant, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Ali, Usama |
Visiting Scholar, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Aljarajreh, Hamzeh |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Aljumaie, Mshari |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Alkhalaf, Asma |
Research Fellow, School of Computer Science |
Allen, Peter |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Allison, Olivia |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Almatrafi, Naief |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Alotaibi, Suhair |
Research Fellow, School of Computer Science |
Alshaikh Ali, Muntadher |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Alshamrani, Hani |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Altaee, Ali
Dr Ali Altaee is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Technology in Sydney. He completed his BSc, MSc, and PhD and the civil and Environmental Engineering. He has industrial and academic expertise…
Senior Lecturer, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Alvandi, Samira |
Lecturer, School of Professional Practice and Leadership |
AlZainati, Nahawand |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Alzoubi, Yehia |
Adjunct Fellow, School of Computer Science |
Amghar, Mariam |
Visiting Scholar, School of Biomedical Engineering |
Anderson, Ross |
Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science |
Andrade, Alex De |
Industry Fellow, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Angel, Zachary |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Angelini, Marco |
WEIT Program Outreach Coordinator, Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) |
Anisi, Yasaman |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Annesi, Katherine |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Ansari, Amaan |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Ansari, Ashley |
Early Career Industry Fellow, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Ansari, Maral |
Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Anwar, Suhel |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Anwar, Memoona |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Apcar, Jeffrey |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Apoderado, Dana |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Ariyaratne, Wije |
Adjunct Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Armstrong, Tommaso |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Arous, Yousra |
Technical Support Assistant, Faculty Administration |
Arqam, Mohammad |
Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Arriola Martiarena, Alex |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Arroyo, Eric Albert |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Asgari, Maryam |
Research Assistant, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Ashford, Cassy |
School Manager, Civil & Environmental Engineering, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Askari, Mohsen |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Assis, Rodrigo |
Contractor, Faculty Administration |
Atchison, Christopher |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Atif, Amara
Dr Amara Atif is a Scholarly Teaching Fellow in the School of Information, Systems and Modelling within the Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Technology Sydney, Australia. She was awarded…
Lecturer, School of Computer Science |
Aubrey, Timothy
Tim was formerly the Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Technology. In the past he has also been the Director of Undergraduate Programs and the…
Adjunct Professor, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Aung, Htoo Wai |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Aung Su, May |
HDR Programs Officer, Faculty Administration |
Awadallah, Mohamed
Dr Mohamed Awadallah received PhD degree at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) – Mechatronics, Australia 2018. BSc Eng. degree in communications and electronics engineering from Cairo, Egypt in…
Industry Fellow, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Ayshee, Tanzila |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Babu, Bennett |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Badeti, Umakant |
Research Engineer, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Bagheri, Sahar |
Research Support, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Bagia, Ravindra
Ravindra Bagia is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Information, Systems and Modelling within the Faculty of Engineering and IT at the University of Technology, Sydney. Prior to joining UTS Ravindra…
Adjunct Fellow, School of Computer Science |
Bah, Alpha |
Senior Research Fellow, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Bahrami, Hassan |
Software Developer, School of Computer Science |
Bai, Nan |
Research Assistant, School of Computer Science |
Bakoss, Stephen
Dr Steve Bakoss is Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), where following eight years of experience working in industry as a design, construction and…
Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Ball, James |
Adjunct Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Balthazar, Pravinth |
Research Assistant, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Bandara, Madhushi |
Lecturer, School of Computer Science |
Bani Musa, Ghada Muneer |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Barahi, Shristi |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Barden, Robyn |
Centre Coordinator, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Barden, Yvette |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bardjeste Asgari, Ebrahim |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Barker, Joshua |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Barnet, Meg |
Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering |
Barodawala, Mustafa |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bartlett, Storm |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Barton, Jade |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Barua, Prabal Datta |
Industry Fellow, School of Biomedical Engineering |
Bates, Matthew |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bautista, Lucia |
Women in Engineering and IT Program Coordinator, Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) |
Baweja, Daksh |
Industry Fellow, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Bayat, Ali |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Beale, Jennifer |
Administration & Project Officer, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Beazley, Scott |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Beck, Dominik |
Associate Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering |
Beekhuyzen, Jenine |
Visiting Fellow, School of Professional Practice and Leadership |
Behbood, Vahid
Dr. Vahid Behbood is Lecturer at the School of Software in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology. Additionally he is a member of the Decision Systems and e-Service Intelligence…
Lecturer, School of Computer Science Core Member, AAII - Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute |
Bekhit, Mahmoud |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bell, Teresa |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Benedict, Gayan |
Industry Fellow, School of Computer Science |
Bennett, Isabelle |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bennett, Nick
Please follow the link to my researcher profile LINK
Associate Professor, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Berenjforoush Azar, Bahareh |
Lecturer, School of Professional Practice and Leadership |
Berkhout, Kyle |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Best, Graeme |
Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Beydoun, Ghassan |
Head of Discipline, IS, School of Computer Science |
Bhagavathiperumal, Siva |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bhandari, Monica |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bhandari, Sangharsha |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bharathy, Gnana
Gnana Bharathy is a lecturer (Behavioural & Systems Modeling) in the School of Information, Systems & Modeling at UTS, where he is also a member of Centre on Persuasive Systems for Wise…
Engagements Consultant (ARDC – Aust. Research Data Commons), Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bhardwaj, Vaibhavi |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bhatia, Tanvi |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bhatt, Jiten |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bhuiyan, Shakil |
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Bianchini, Stefano |
Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Billiris, Grace |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bishop, Adrian
Prof. Adrian N. Bishop is with the School of Biomedical Engineering and the Centre for Health Technologies. He is also a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO. Dr. Bishop is supported by the Australian…
Associate Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering |
Black, Emaly
Emaly Black has been a member of the Faculty of Science Research Team since 2014. Emaly is responsible for project coordination and managing administrative processes for Science Higher Degree…
Program Manager, The Wanago Program, Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) |
Blake, Mel |
Secondary School teacher – Engineering Studies, Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) |
Blamires, Sean |
Adjunct Fellow, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Blazekova, Diana |
Teaching and Learning Officer, School of Professional Practice and Leadership |
Bluff, Andrew
Andrew is a new media interaction artist and researcher specialising in technology to enhance live musical performance, physical theatre and interactive art installations. Seamlessly blending…
Senior Research Assistant, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Blumenstein, Michael
Professor Michael Blumenstein is currently the Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) in the Faculty of Engineering & IT at UTS where he previously held the positions of Associate Dean (Research…
Deputy Dean (Research & Innovation), Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology Core Member, AAII - Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute |
Bolis, David |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bolton, Sarah-Anne |
Clinical Fellow, School of Biomedical Engineering |
Bone, Don
Don received a Ph.D. in physics from ANU in 1988 and worked at ANU for a couple of years developing optical diagnostics for hyper-velocity flows. During his Ph.D. and in subsequent years he developed…
Adjunct Fellow, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Boric, James |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Boroon, Layla |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Borrows, Lili |
Research Fellow, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Bothra, Palvi |
Student Promotions Representative, Faculty Administration |
Bou Ghantous, Georges |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bour, Hamideh |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bown, Oliver |
Visiting Professor, School of Computer Science |
Boyd-Weetman, Brendan |
Research Engineer, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Boye, Timothy
Mr. Timothy Boye (BIT RMIT) is a tutor in the Faculty of Engineering and IT. He brings his industry experience in software development, web development and freelance IT work into the classroom. His…
Associate Lecturer, School of Professional Practice and Leadership |
Bradbury, Nicholas |
Research Support, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Brady, Alan |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Braikenridge, Grant |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Braun, Robin
Robin started his academic career at the University of Cape Town in the area of Communications Engineering. He had previously spent 10 years in industry, mostly with Philips where he worked in…
Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Bray, Ed |
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Braytee, Ali |
Lecturer, School of Computer Science |
Breebaart, Jeroen |
Industry Fellow, School of Computer Science |
Bremner, Michael
Michael is a Professor of Software Engineering at the Centre for Quantum Software and Information and leads the UTS node of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Quantum…
Director CQSI, School of Computer Science |
Brennan, Jane
Jane Brennan received her PhD in Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence/Information Systems) from the University of New South Wales in May 2009. Since 1994, as part of her Masters…
Adjunct Fellow, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Breton, Alexandra |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Briozzo, Nicholas |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Broadbent, Gail |
Adjunct Fellow, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Brodie, Dave |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Brookes, Wayne
Dr Wayne Brookes joined UTS after moving from Queensland where he completed his undergraduate and PhD studies. Since joining UTS, he has taken on a variety of roles including Program Director…
Deputy Head of School (Teaching and Learning), School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Brown, Mason |
Research Fellow, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Brown, Terry |
Senior Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Bryant, Adam |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Brymer, Bianca |
Research Administration Officer, Faculty Administration |
Bui, Helen |
Lead SPROUT, Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) |
Bukhari, Afnan |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Burdon, Steve
Steve is currently Professor of Strategic Management and Technology at University of Technology, Sydney and also Visiting Professor at CASS Business School, London.Steve’s research interests are…
Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Burgess, Marion |
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering |
Burnett, Ian
Ian started his career with GEC-Marconi in the UK, completing sponsored BSc/MEng degrees at the University of Bath before working on satellite modem technology. He returned to the University of Bath…
Visiting Professor, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Button, Kameka |
Wanago Administration Coordinator, Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) |
Byun, Hugh |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Cabrera, Christopher |
Contractor, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Cai, Jiaqi |
Visiting Scholar, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Cain-Carney, Campbell |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Cajita, Cheriz |
International Marketing and Communications Officer, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology |
Calbry, Matthias |
Visiting Scholar, School of Electrical and Data Engineering |
Canda, Emily |
Lecturer, School of Professional Practice and Leadership |
Cao, Trinh |
Associate of the Faculty, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Cao, Zhiao |
Visiting Fellow, Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) |
Cao, Jimmy |
Adjunct Fellow, School of Computer Science |