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Read the latest news, research, occasional papers and analysis from our senior leaders, UTS' world-leading subject matter and technical experts and our international network of researchers, industry fellows and associates.

Our leaders and industry experts are available to share public policy insights and analysis. For media inquiries please contact our team.

Occasional Papers

  • The Purpose of Public Policy

    The coherence and commitments of public institutions require greater clarity and conviction if they are to regain public confidence. There is a need for a more convincing sense of purpose and direction, built upon values that are inclusive and inspiring. Often politicians aspire to such worthy ideals, but in the heat of battle, or through sheer exhaustion, they settle for less.

    Dr Thomas Clarke
    Occasional Policy Paper 1
    Published May 2024

    Read more here

  • International Innovation in Public Policy

    Internationally the public sector is a lot more dynamic and innovative than its reputation might suggest. For example, active labour market policies, preventative health care, and climate mitigation strategies are being widely developed, supported by new digital services and responsive organisational reforms.

    Dr Thomas Clarke
    Occasional Policy Paper 2
    Published May 2024

    Read more here

  • 21st Century Democracy? Artificial Intelligence and Public Policy

    Generative Artificial Intelligence is potentially the most disruptive technology of this century. AI impacts upon our individual intellectual and creative capacity, and is capable of transforming how businesses, institutions and whole economies and societies will operate.

    Dr Thomas Clarke
    Occasional Policy Paper 3
    Published May 2024

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Journals and Publications

  • Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance

    Published by the Centre for Local Government, the Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance aims to strengthen the research voice of local government in the Commonwealth. This peer-reviewed journal provides a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in local government ideas and practices. Its overall focus is on improving local governance and supporting local government as an agent of development. The journal is supported by the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (UK) and edited by the UTS Centre for Local Government and Cardiff University (UK).

    Access the Journal Now

  • The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government

    From 2009 to 2015 the UTS Centre for Local Government hosted the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) as part of a consortium that included the Commonwealth Government, University of Canberra, the Australia and New Zealand School of Government, Local Government Managers Australia, the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, and program partners Charles Darwin University and Edith Cowan University. ACELG enjoyed significant success in advancing best practices in local government and encouraging the adoption of innovative practices and solutions. At the end of 2015, the Centre for Excellence came to a close, although a small number of ACELG projects were implemented throughout 2016 and 2017. ACELG project outcomes, relevant information and toolkits are hosted by UTS.

    Access ACELG Resources and Publications

  • LogoNet

    The Centre for Local Government is affiliated to LogoNet Australia, a national network of people seeking to promote fresh thinking about the future of local government and community governance. It was established in Sydney in 2016 and now has members across the country.

    Visit LogoNet Australia

Our research spans mutiple areas of contemporary community interest in public policy, public administration and governance. Interested in collaborating with us? We welcome partnerships with academic institutions, government agencies, and industry.

People in meeting behind closed doors
Centre for Local Government

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