Professor Ann Packman to retire

After a career in speech pathology spanning many decades, Professor Ann Packman has announced her retirement at the end of this year.
Ann has been a longstanding core member of the Australian Stuttering Research Centre team, which joined UTS in 2018. She is one of an elite group of 24 recipients of the American Speech-Hearing Association Kawana Award for Lifetime Achievement in Publications. As such, she is among the outstanding scientists in the discipline of speech pathology.
She has made diverse contributions to understanding the nature of stuttering and its cause during early childhood, and how to manage it clinically. Throughout her career Ann has constantly grounded herself with the lived experiences of those who stutter, and that has guided her professional life. In recognition of her achievements, Ann has been awarded the honour of UTS Emeritus Professor. To celebrate her career, a tribute has been published in a leading speech pathology journal (Journal of Fluency Disorders)(link).