Celebrating Cultural Resilience with Anny Druett
Join us and learn about the importance and history of NAIDOC Week for all Australians with Indigenous cultural leader Anny Druett at UTS Business School on Thursday 6 July.
Join us and learn about the importance and history of NAIDOC Week for all Australians with Indigenous cultural leader Anny Druett at this lunchtime session at UTS Business School and enjoy some First Nations refreshments afterwards by Blackseed Catering.
Anny is a proud 4,005th generation descendant of the Ngemba mob from far north western NSW in her mother's family. From her father's family she is a fifth generation French/English descendant.
As a granddaughter of prominent 20th century Aboriginal activist Pearl Gibbs, Anny's obsession is to continue her grandmother's work to "Open the Space" between First Nations peoples and the general community.
Anny is an extraordinary Indigenous cross-cultural trainer and coach with over four decades' experience in community development specifically with Aboriginal and refugee peoples. She invites you to take a respectful peek under the bonnet of First Nations practices that will intrigue, amaze, and leave you yearning for more.
This event is one of the ways we're celebrating NAIDOC Week at UTS Business School and we encourage UTS staff, students and community to attend.