Cricket, Collaboration & Commonwealth
A UTS flagship event in New Delhi with cricket legends and research experts
Tackling the big issues in regional relations, diplomacy, sport, and social justice
At UTS, we recognise that the world faces many challenges. In this special event, we show that UTS is ready to grapple with the ‘Big Issues’ to build a better tomorrow. Cricket, Collaboration, and Commonwealth brings together leading figures from Government, University, Cricket Australia and the Private Sector to examine the important relationship between diplomacy, sport, economic development, regional security and equity.
The event takes place in New Delhi, enabling us to highlight the common bonds of language, multi-cultural and democratic foundations, and a shared passion for cricket that unite Australia and India.
Join the conversation with our keynote speaker - international economist Tim Harcourt - together with Australian cricketer legends Lisa Sthalekar and Matthew Hayden and UTS experts to tackle the big issues.
THURSDAY, 25 MAY FROM 5PM – 10PM (Panels + Dinner)