Decision support systems and complex modelling
Our research into decision support systems and complex modelling seeks to demonstrate the complexity of relationship between climate changes (both at micro and macro level) and its direct impact on natural hazards such as bushfires, coastal erosion and floods in Australia.
The increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters in a dynamic and climate-sensitive continent coupled with technical advances mean that there are interesting paradigms and scenarios that have come forth, posing interesting research directions for CAMGIS.
We use Geoinformation Technologies (GIT) to study the natural disasters and to provide technical solution to the local councils with the aim of reducing the impact of natural hazards by adapting spatial information technologies (Decision Support Systems), remote sensing products and machine learning tools to support increased coordination for multi-level risk management.
Applications of the technologies we develop include identifying, analysing, assessing, treating and monitoring of various natural hazards, health management and several other domains.
One of our core focuses is providing viable spatial solutions for tasks such as crop and pollen count mapping, earthquake damage mapping, road segmentation, droughts and extreme events analysis.