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Fast-track your career with a postgraduate science degree. Whether you’ve got your sights set on senior roles in the lab, in industry or anywhere in between, these advanced qualifications will prepare you to level up your professional future. They’re characterised by hands-on learning, industry-informed curriculum and flexible study options that will help you balance work, life and uni.  

Scientists in informal meeting

Leadership and Science MBA

Become a leader in scientific innovation and sustainable business practice.

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Sugar glider sitting at the opening of a hole in the tree

Environmental Consultancy and Conservation

Where environmental science meets business, government and the community.

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Forensic Science

Where science meets criminal justice.  

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Mutiple test tubes

Medical Laboratory Science

Exploring the theory and practice of diagnostic pathology.

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Four scientists working with their research tools

Medical Biotechnology or Biomedical Engineering

Combining science, technology and engineering for the advancement of human health.

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Man doing mathematical calculations on a virtual screen

Mathematics, Statistics or Quantitative Finance

Advanced mathematics for real-world application.

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Test tubes being loaded into a machine


Dive into analytical chemical theory, practice and instrumentation. 

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workers on solar & wind turbine site

Energy and Sustainability 

The sustainability revolution is here. Now, we need people to lead it. 

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