Increasingly universities, organisations and government are looking to demonstrate and measure their social impact.
UTS is committed to driving social change. This commitment is reflected in our diverse institution-wide social justice initiatives, and our rigorous focus on social justice through our Social Impact Framework.
Understanding social justice and working together to bring about real change begins with one thing – action. As a university, it’s our responsibility to be an agent for social change and work in partnership with everyone to transform communities through our research, education, and practice. This involves more than just words or ideas. It’s about disrupting current structures and giving people the tools they need to fight injustice. That’s why we’ve created the UTS Social Impact Framework as a roadmap to guide us towards real change. By embarking on this journey together, we can bring about meaningful progress, even when the road is not always smooth. We've got many milestones to meet along the way, and our six domains guide our actions to proactively embed social justice in everything we do. These domains are: Students from under-represented target groups participate in and successfully complete a higher education degree at UTS. Students have the agency to enact personal and social responsibility. Our staff have the confidence and are supported to maximise their social impact. All of our targeted research, teaching, and program outcomes have social impact and actively contribute to communities. UTS is an advocate, critical voice, and thought leader on issues that concern and impact communities. All UTS business operations and strategies reflect a long-term independent commitment to social impact. But we couldn't achieve any of these without a strong foundation of: Inclusive and supportive leadership, Alumni and Strong partnerships, and being trusted to bring about social change. Social justice underpins everything we do here at UTS, and our Social Impact Framework puts this into practice and keeps us accountable. Universities are for public good, and by sticking to this roadmap, we can help create a healthy, sustainable, and just society.
Video case studies
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+61 2 9514 1084
Level 16, UTS Building 1
15 Broadway
Broadway NSW 2007, Australia
PO Box 123, Broadway 2007
Social impact case studies
UTS Master of Physiotherapy students volunteer at the 2022 Koori Knockout, applying their Indigenous healthcare theory to practical, people-centred action.
A novel research collaboration has produced a wheelchair toggle operable by people with severe involuntary tremors, who risk serious accidents when using a standard wheelchair joystick.
UTS Careers consultants Claudia Cowell and Helena Asher-Chiang produced a suite of employment resources for Sydney’s Asylum Seekers Centre (ASC)