Coursework Assessments Procedure
On this page
Purpose | Scope | Principles | Procedure statements | Roles and responsibilities | Definitions | Approval information | Version history | References | Appendix 1: Results ratification
1. Purpose
1.1 The Coursework Assessments Procedure (the procedure) implements the Coursework Assessments Policy (the policy). The procedure should be read in conjunction with the policy.
2. Scope
2.1 The scope outlined in the policy applies for this procedure.
3. Principles
3.1 The principles outlined in the policy apply for this procedure.
4. Procedure statements
4.1 This procedure outlines how to develop and design assessments, manage assessment administration, conduct examinations, provide for alternative assessment arrangements and manage exceptions, and manage the marking process.
Assessment pattern design
4.2 The assessment pattern for a subject should normally include 2 or 3 summative assessment tasks (each worth no more than 65 per cent), except in the case of subjects that have a 100 per cent project assessment (for example, capstone).
4.3 Assessment patterns should normally include at least 2 different types of assessment task, except in the case of subjects that have 100 per cent project assessment (for example, capstone).
4.4 Final examinations will not normally be worth more than 50 per cent of the final mark/grade, except in exceptional circumstances approved by the faculty.
4.5 A minimum of 70 per cent of the total mark/grade awarded in a subject must be for individually marked/graded work. This may include individually marked components of group tasks.
4.6 Assessment tasks that are mainly undertaken outside class may include a viva, in-class or other invigilated component to confirm the integrity of student work. Students should be advised in the subject information of the broad type of task component (for example, oral or written) and any assigned weighting.
4.7 The following learning needs must be considered in assessment pattern design:
- opportunities to practise and gain feedback before high-stakes competency-based and proficiency-based tasks
- guidance and support for final projects or assignments worth more than 50 per cent of the total mark
- opportunities to practise before online or technology-based examinations that are timed and/or invigilated
- where self or peer assessment contributes to final marks or grades (including through self and peer assessment of group work), opportunities to practise and develop an understanding of the criteria
- essential presentation events that require student attendance must be clearly stated in the subject information, with the consequences of any unapproved non-attendance.
Assessment administration
4.8 Students’ responsibilities and timelines for the submission and collection of assessment tasks (where appropriate) are detailed in the subject information. Tasks must be submitted online by the deadline of 11.59pm on the due date using the approved university assessment system. Students are not required to submit additional hard copies.
4.9 UTS reserves the right to retain students’ work under specific circumstances (refer Rule 3.9).
4.10 Rule 3.7.4 applies for changes to assessment requirements published in the subject information. Assessment requirements cannot be changed without approval.
4.11 Student responsibilities in the examination of coursework subjects can be found in Rule 9.2.
Centrally conducted examinations
4.12 Centrally conducted examinations are organised and conducted in accordance with Rules 9.3 to 9.6, the procedure and any guidelines provided by the Lifetime Learner Experience Unit (LLEU).
4.13 Subject coordinators must prepare examination masters and complete the necessary steps, standards and conventions required by LLEU (refer Lifetime Learner Experience Unit Hub: Exams (SharePoint)). LLEU may request additional information on submission.
4.14 Subject coordinators are also responsible for the preparation of rescheduled, alternative and supplementary examinations.
Faculty-based examinations
4.15 Faculty-based examinations are run and coordinated by individual faculties in line with Rule 9.3.2 and the principles outlined in the policy and any procedures.
Examination master and quality assurance
4.16 Subject coordinators must submit the examination master to the assessor for review to ensure that exam questions:
- are subject appropriate
- are appropriate for the exam format (for example, setting, duration and conditions)
- have a distribution of questions covering relevant learning objectives
- are of a reasonable length for the completion time allowed
- are clear and unambiguous
- are capable of solution either from knowledge that students could reasonably be assumed to possess or from the data supplied (where appropriate)
- are of equal difficulty, duration and complexity for each examination master (main, rescheduled, alternative and supplementary) or be weighted accordingly.
4.17 Where the subject coordinator and the assessor disagree on the examination master, the responsible academic officer (RAO) will act to resolve the difference of opinion.
4.18 Where an error in the examination master is discovered before the examination, the subject coordinator will provide an erratum/addendum sheet for distribution with examination papers, or otherwise be present at the start of the exam to explain the error (for example, typing or numbering errors).
Responsibilities during examinations
4.19 Subject coordinators (or nominees) must be available to provide advice during centrally conducted examinations in a manner appropriate to the exam setting or location. Alternative arrangements can be made with the approval of LLEU and the RAO.
4.20 Where special materials or exam conditions are permitted in the centrally conducted examination, as per the subject information, subject coordinators must be in attendance (physically or remotely as appropriate) before the exam.
4.21 All students must verify their identity to undertake their examination to protect the integrity of the examination process. Identity verification may include some or all of the following:
- presentation of student identification cards to gain entry or access to the examination location
- restrictions on entry and exit to the examination location
- use of logins and passwords (or similar identifiers)
- use of examination specific authentication technologies (including continual authentication technology where appropriate).
Responsibilities after examinations
4.22 Completed examination scripts from centrally conducted examinations are usually delivered to the faculty office or the school or department office one business day after the completion of the exam. Exam attendance sheets (showing the students enrolled in the subject and indicating those who attempted the examination) must be attached to the collected examination papers.
4.23 To ensure data security and integrity, records resulting from online examinations will be managed via approved examinations and/or information systems in line with the policy, the Privacy Policy and the Records Management Policy using relevant information technology security classifications (refer Information Security Classification Standard (available at Information security (SharePoint)).
Administration of alternative examination arrangements and special consideration
4.24 Where a scheduling difficulty arises in the examination of coursework subjects, students should advise UTS via Exams by the prescribed deadline (and as prescribed by Rule 9.1.5).
4.25 Special conditions for examinations are outlined in Rule 9.4 with further information available at Exam provisions. Special conditions apply to both centrally conducted and faculty examinations.
4.26 In addition to Rule 8.2, students experiencing difficulties in meeting an assessment requirement should consult with their subject coordinator in the first instance. Students who experience significant difficulty can apply for special consideration under Rule 8.3.1.
4.27 Details on alternative and rescheduled examinations for specific students (held at a time other than the published time) are outlined in Rule 9.5.
4.28 Special consideration is available for students who feel their performance in an examination has been significantly disrupted due to circumstances beyond their control (refer Rule 8.3.2). Information about alternative examination arrangements is available from LLEU (refer Alternative examinations).
4.29 A student who is absent from an entire examination should consult Rule 8.3.3. A student who has not informed themselves of the time or place of an examination will not be eligible for an alternative examination (refer Rule 9.5).
4.30 Where a student fails to meet, or is unable to meet, the prescribed attendance and/or participation included in the subject information (Rule 3.8.3), they may be eligible to apply for special consideration (Rule 8.3).
4.31 All UTS student forms and procedures will be made available at Special circumstances.
Administration of other assessment extensions and special consideration
4.32 Students experiencing short-term difficulties in meeting an assessment deadline may apply for a short extension of up to 72 hours duration. Students may request a short extension for any assessment with an 11.59pm submission deadline (excluding exams and quizzes) and must apply for the short extension by 11.59pm on the due date. Approval for short extension is automated and instantaneous.
4.33 Students requesting a long extension of 73 hours or more must apply for special consideration (this includes students who experience significant difficulty as articulated in Rule 8.3.1). Long extensions are not automatic and students requesting long extensions should not assume their request is approved (or denied) until they have received an outcome in writing.
4.34 In line with the policy, faculties must apply a fair and consistent approach to special consideration applications in a timely manner with outcomes communicated in writing.
Late penalties
4.35 Students will be subject to a late penalty if they submit an assessment 60 minutes after 11.59pm on either the:
- assessment due date (without an approved short or long extension), or
- approved extension deadline.
4.36 Students who submit assessments late (without an approved short or long extension) will receive a late penalty and may not be provided with feedback. The following late penalties apply (variations of these penalties are not permitted and are a breach of this procedure):
- A late penalty of 5% per day for submissions up to 7 calendar days late will be subtracted from the mark (a maximum of 35% penalty).
- Work submitted after 7 calendar days (on the 8th day or later) will not be marked and the assessment will attract a zero (0) mark.
Marking, grades, results and feedback
Marking and feedback to students
4.37 Marking should be conducted, and feedback provided to students, in a fair, timely and confidential manner in line with the principles and practice outlined in the policy. Online marking and feedback will be used where it is reasonable to do so.
4.38 Where marking is carried out by multiple markers, benchmarking of marking standards should be used before or at the start of marking to assist markers to apply the criteria in similar ways.
4.39 Any moderation of results after marking must be based on comparison of samples of student work given the same grades or marks across different markers, and never on comparison of mark distributions alone.
4.40 Where moderation is used, this will be indicated in the subject information and, where possible, completed before marks/grades are released to students.
4.41 Any moderation of results must be completed before submission of marks and grades for ratification.
4.42 Formal mark queries should be conducted within the 5 day window outlined at Querying marks. Students may request a copy of their examination for informal review within 3 months of the results release date (except where the examination paper or submission contains material that is to be used in successive examinations).
4.43 Students should contact subject coordinators (or their nominee) who will facilitate requests for exam scripts, grades and results.
4.44 Students requesting examination results (marks or grades) must be provided with this information.
Processing and recording results
4.45 LLEU issue results processing schedules to subject coordinators and RAOs each teaching period (usually in May and October). The timelines for the other teaching sessions (Summer, March, May, July, August, October, December) are distributed separately.
4.46 Instructions for recording final results are drafted and published by LLEU at Lifetime Learner Experience Unit Hub: Progressions, results and conferrals (SharePoint).
Interim results
4.47 When an interim result is awarded, students must contact the subject coordinator or relevant academic adviser to determine the reason for the interim result.
4.48 The designated administrative officer in LLEU is responsible for informing subject coordinators when students have been awarded 'T' results and for contacting students who have been awarded such results. All other interim results must be communicated by the designated administrative officer of the faculty administering the subject.
4.49 Procedures for the management and correction of interim results are drafted by LLEU, approved by the Provost and published by LLEU at Lifetime Learner Experience Unit Hub: Progressions, results and conferrals (SharePoint). These should be reviewed every 3 years.
Borderline results and supplementary assessments
4.50 A supplementary examination or assessment task must be provided for students with borderline results in their final subject in line with Rule 8.5. Students will be informed of the need for supplementary tasks following results ratification. Notice of supplementary examinations or tasks must be provided by subject coordinators to students 5 days before the assessments, except where students have special consideration or other exceptional circumstances and within the examination calendar.
4.51 Students are awarded a 'W' grade while waiting to complete supplementary assessments and a ‘T’ grade while waiting for supplementary centrally administered examinations. Where ‘X’ grades are used, the compulsory component(s) deemed essential for students to meet subject objectives should be clearly articulated and students given a supplementary task that addresses these specific learning objectives, unless this is clearly impractical.
4.52 The relevant faculty must allow for the student to undertake the supplementary examination or assessment task within a specified time period (in line with Appendix 1 of the policy), unless the:
- 'Fail' grade was a penalty for misconduct
- student failed to meet compulsory attendance requirements and the RAO has determined, after due attention to any request for special consideration, that supplementary assessment is not warranted, or
- student failed to meet compulsory requirements for professional registration, which cannot be made up with a supplementary assessment.
4.53 Supplementary assessments will be marked as 'Pass' (50P) or 'Fail'.
4.54 Supplementary assessment in all other circumstances may be provided, as described in the subject information, or, where not described, at the discretion of the subject coordinator, in consultation with the RAO, as appropriate. Students may choose not to accept the offer of supplementary assessment.
4.55 The Director, Student Administration may approve procedural steps for the management of borderline results in line with the policy and any procedures. These will be published at Lifetime Learner Experience Unit Hub: Progressions, results and conferrals (SharePoint).
4.56 When a student has more than one borderline result in the final session of their course, the faculty is required to make the final decision taking into account individual student circumstances, special consideration, exceptional cases and discipline specific requirements, to ensure equity across the student cohort.
4.57 Students undertaking supplementary assessments must attend or submit the assessment as provided by the faculty. Students who miss a supplementary exam due to unforeseen circumstances and can provide justification for their absence may be provided one final opportunity to complete their supplementary exam by the faculty. Any further opportunities will be provided only in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the RAO.
Querying marks
4.58 Students who wish to query marks must do so no later than 5 working days from the date of the return of the marks to the student or, for final examination or subject results, no later than 5 working days from the official release of the final subject result.
4.59 Specific guidelines for querying marks and grades are approved by the Provost (or nominee) and published by LLEU at Request a review of a result.
Resubmission and remarking
4.60 Resubmission or re-marking may be undertaken as a consequence of a:
- determination made as a result of a student querying a mark or result (refer Querying marks) or making a complaint
- borderline result (at the discretion of the subject coordinator and/or RAO).
4.61 Resubmission or re-marking conditions and possible outcomes must be provided to the student in advance.
4.62 One resubmission or re-mark is possible per assessment task.
4.63 Where the outcome of a query or complaint investigation is the re-marking of an assessment task by a different marker (subject coordinator, assessor or external marker), the following apply:
- the second marker must receive a clean copy of the assessment task (supplied by the student where possible) on which to undertake the re-marking
- both markers shall compare assessments and then agree a mark/grade
- the new mark/grade may be higher or lower than the original, and
- if the markers cannot agree, the matter is resolved by the RAO.
Changing results and finalising interim results
4.64 After results are released, subject coordinators must submit results for interim notations and any other changes to results on LLEU’s authority to vary results form, available from the designated administrative officer, LLEU.
4.65 Changes to results may be made:
- following re-marking and/or supplementary assessment
- to finalise interim results (E, Q, T, W)
- following a review of results in line with Rule 8.6
- to correct an administrative error (documentation must be attached, as outlined in Rule 2.4)
- following a successful query or complaint by a student.
4.66 The subject coordinator will only approve the processing of changes to results from the teaching period immediately preceding that in which the request is made. Any exceptions must be submitted, together with an explanation by the subject coordinator, to the Director, Student Administration for approval.
Releasing results
4.67 The Director, Student Administration approves the release of final results online via My Student Admin on the published date in line with Rule 8.4.3 and Rule 8.4.4 under the provisions of Rule 4.4.
4.68 Students may request an official academic record as outlined in the Academic Records Policy.
5. Roles and responsibilities
5.1 Procedure owner: The Provost, in line with the policy, is responsible for enforcement and compliance of this procedure, ensuring that its statements are observed.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) is responsible for UTS’s educational strategies.
5.2 Procedure contact: The Director, Student Administration in the Lifetime Learner Experience Unit (LLEU) is the primary point of contact for advice on implementing and administering this policy.
5.3 Implementation and governance roles: Additional responsibilities are assigned to Academic Board, faculty boards, assessors, RAOs and LLEU.
6. Definitions
The definitions outlined in the policy and Schedule 1, Student Rules apply for this procedure. The following definitions are in addition to those definitions. Definitions in the singular include the plural meaning of the word.
Essential presentation event means an event (via a number of delivery options) which students are expected to attend at a specific time and location (physical or online) in order to present work to a group of assessors, collaborate with others on an observable assessable activity, or similar, for which it is not reasonably practical to arrange alternate times for individual students.
Examination location (or exam location) means the place of the exam. This can be in a classroom, lecture hall, examination centre, laboratory or an online environment.
Information system (or system) is defined in the Data Governance Policy.
Re-marking means the re-presentation of a previously submitted assessment task.
Resubmission means the submission of a new version of an assessment task.
Summative assessment means an assessment that contributes to students’ final assessment results in a subject. Summative assessments other than final examinations normally also have the formative function of providing feedback on students’ work.
Supplementary assessment is defined in Schedule 1, Student Rules.
Approval information
Procedure contact | Director, Student Administration |
Approval authority | Provost |
Review date | 2025 |
File number | UR17/3560 |
Superseded documents | Procedures for the Assessment of Coursework Subjects (file UR09/798) |
Version history
Version | Approved by | Approval date | Effective date | Sections modified |
1.0 | Provost | 02/11/2017 | 01/01/2018 | New procedures. |
1.1 | Provost | 06/12/2019 | 01/01/2020 | Updates to sections 4.38, 4.46 and section 6 following feedback from the post-implementation working group to Teaching and Learning Committee. |
1.2 | Provost | 18/06/2020 | 18/06/2020 | Changes to incorporate references to online examinations. |
1.3 | Provost | 01/12/2020 | 17/12/2020 | Changes in relation to supplementary exams. |
1.4 | Provost | 22/04/2021 | 05/05/2021 | Changes to appendix A to reflect the new results process. |
1.5 | Provost | 17/06/2021 | 01/07/2021 | Changes to remove the review of final assessment replaced by a simplified process for querying an individual mark or grade, or query the final mark for a subject. Reflects changes to the Rules. |
1.6 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 22/02/2022 | 10/03/2022 | Minor change to reflect portfolio realignment under Fit for 2027 project. |
10/03/2022 | Minor change to links and removal of remaining reference to the results ratification team. | |||
1.7 | Academic Board (AB/23-1/11) | 22/03/2023 | 22/03/2023 | Reset procedure review date and agreement of procedure currency. |
1.8 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 05/04/2023 | 19/04/2023 | Amendments to reflect new position of Director, Student Administration in the Lifetime Learner Experience Unit. |
1.9 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 21/11/2024 | 01/12/2024 | Changes to refer to new Course Approval Policy and Course Approval and Publication Procedure and associated Curriculum Management System (CMS) references. |
1.10 | Provost | 16/12/2024 | 01/01/2025 | Changes to allow for short and long extensions (special consideration) and confirmation of late penalties and deadlines for assessment submissions. |
1.11 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 23/01/2025 | 23/01/2025 | Clarification to the new short extension process to confirm that this type of extension only applies to assessments with an 11.59pm deadline. |
Lifetime Learner Experience Unit Hub (SharePoint)
Information Security Classification Standard (available at Information security (SharePoint))
Appendix 1: Results ratification
Results ratification occurs in line with the Coursework Assessments Policy and includes:
- submission of a final copy of final subject results to the Lifetime Learner Experience Unit (LLEU) by the faculties
- results ratification in the student management system of all submitted final results for subjects offered by the faculty in a particular session.
Before the ratification date, responsible academic officers should consult with relevant program directors, course coordinators and/or subject coordinators in advance of ratifying results, paying particular attention to borderline results (defined in Schedule 1, Student Rules) and special consideration applications, to determine appropriate action in consideration of the table of results and grades, in view of the policy and its appendix.
Following ratification, LLEU, under the authority of the Director, Student Administration, will publish results for all subjects offered by the faculty for a particular session.