Dolphy Anand
I believe nursing is a field that allows you to make a positive impact in someone’s life every day.
I was born in India and moved to Australia at 10 years of age. Moving countries at a young age was certainly a confusing yet intriguing period; you came across different cultures and languages that you had not often spoken back home.
However, the change was certainly positive. If I had not moved, I would not have been studying what I am passionate about here at UTS!
Moreover, through the exposure to different cultures, I am better able to relate to others, which I believe will help me connect with other students and deliver culturally sensitive care to my patients.
I enjoy volunteering around UTS and in the wider community. Through this, I have gained a deeper understanding of students’ needs and I intend on using this knowledge to help other students reach their potential and transition into university life more easily.
I am passionate about health promotion, and I would like to pursue a Master of Public Health here at UTS after graduation. I aspire to educate different population groups on how to lead a healthy life and prevent illnesses through health education programs and campaigns.
I believe nursing is a field that allows you to make a positive impact in someone’s life every day, whether it be through education, research, or on-ward nursing. This inspired me to choose nursing as a life-long career where I can contribute to positive experiences in others’ lives while being able to pursue further studies and delve deeper into my interests.
I knew I wanted to study Nursing at UTS from the day I had a tour of UTS’ facilities. The nursing labs are a replica of real hospital wards to a great extent, allowing us to practice our skills and feel more confident before our placements.
Moreover, the support provided to students is extensive. Academically, I have benefited greatly from HELPS (Higher Education Language and Presentation Support), a program that helps students reach their academic potential.
Socially, UTS is popular for its provision of a wide range of societies catering to many interests, including the Badminton, Dogs and NAMSOC (Nursing and Midwifery Society) societies which I am personally a fan of!
UTS provides vast opportunities to not only excel in your studies but also network with other like-minded individuals, making your university experience memorable. It lives up to its title as the #1 university in Australia for nursing education.
One of the highlights of my studies so far would be my paediatric placement. Providing care to children and their families in difficult times allowed me to feel a sense of purpose and satisfaction, and nursing is a career that can make you feel that way every day.
One thing I have realised is that health professionals’ actions can have a great impact on an individual’s experience in the hospital or in non-clinical settings such as aged care homes. The nursing degree has made me more careful with my actions, as we health professionals have the power to either improve or worsen their stay.
To someone thinking about studying a Bachelor of Nursing, until you have a go at nursing, you will never know if it is right for you. Even though I was passionate about nursing while studying for the HSC, I still had doubts about whether I was suitable for nursing, and that is often a common experience.
Choosing a career can be a time-consuming, challenging experience so my advice would be to go on campus tours at universities, learn more about the degree, and come to nursing stalls at UTS Open Day to have your questions answered by someone who is pursuing nursing themselves!
In the end, whatever career pathway you decide to pursue, try your best, as hard work always pays off.