Online Seminar: Dr Sahand Mahmoodian, Leibniz U., Germany
A conceptually simple platform for exploring quantum many-body states of photons
The generation and control of strongly interacting photons is a long-standing goal of quantum optics.
Image: WallpapersCave
Quantum many-body physics of photons in waveguide QED
SPEAKER: Dr Sahand Mahmoodian
AFFILIATION: Institute for Theoretical Physics, Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany
HOSTED BY: A/Prof Nathan Langford, UTS Centre for Quantum Software and Information
The generation and control of strongly interacting photons is a long-standing goal of quantum optics. In recent years, remarkable experiments with cavity QED platforms, strongly interacting Rydberg atoms, and circuit QED have demonstrated photon-photon interactions at the few-body level. In this talk I show that a conceptually simple platform of two-level atoms ideally coupled to a chiral photonic mode forms an exciting system for exploring the many-body physics of photons. Here, a class of bound photon eigenstates hold the key to understanding the dynamics of this system at the few- and many-body scale. I will show that one can use these states to describe the entire spectrum from few-photon quantum propagation, to genuine quantum many-body (atom and photon) phenomena, and ultimately the quantum-to-classical transition.