Alex George
The MAP degree is what you make it. Mine allowed me to see that to succeed, you need to keep...
Now $30 000 richer after winning the Doritos Make an Ad, Make a Fortune national competition, Alex George is certainly making an impression. Since graduating from the Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Media Arts and Production), Alex has used his prize money to set up a film production company Monekeleon, creating music videos and short films along with corporate DVDs. Their production Den Sista Galaxonaut — a part animation, part live action short film set in sixties Sweden — was a finalist in the 2011 Tropfest awards.
Alex says combining theory with practical work experience gave him a valuable edge and helped him get to where he is today. “While studying, I got a gig as a runner on ads and music videos, which is an awesome way to see how the industry works. It was also a good way to see how small the industry is.”
His advice to students thinking of working in the film industry? “Immerse yourself in what you want to do. Keep creating. The MAP degree is what you make it. Mine allowed me to see that to succeed, you need to keep challenging yourself.”