William de Azevedo
I believe that data science will help the world to be a better place.
I am proudly part of the first ever group of students to graduate at MDSI. At the moment, I am employed within the NSW Government's new Data Analytics Centre (DAC).
The bottom line is that starting a new career is always challenging, but the MDSI has really tested our abilities and prepared us to take on these challenges.
MDSI has a strong focus on the technical aspects of Data Science. However, on the other hand, students are free to choose the elective subjects that fit best with their professional objectives. Therefore, the MDSI program is dynamic and ready to attend to the varied demands of the industry.
Also, the MDSI always challenges students to try new approaches and techniques like blogs, podcasts, videos and hackathons. Hackathons (which are events in which students collaborate to develop a solution for an organisation) helped me to get the experience I needed to start working as a Data Scientist. These approaches are more interesting than the traditional duo 'report and presentation'.
One of the best qualities of UTS Connected Intelligence Centre is their focus on the use of Human-Centred Analytics in education. This guarantee’s the quality of the learning process of their students.
Big Data is (and will be for a while) a trending subject. And its concept is still being built.
When I started the course, there was this idea that Big Data would 'save the world'. In other words, organisations believed that Big Data could bring magic knowledge and bigger profits.
Now, as the concept is becoming more mature, professionals can understand the specificities and costs of a data-oriented project. Organisations are starting to prepare their infrastructure for Data Analytics projects. And universities around the world are preparing Data Scientists.
I believe that Data Science will help the world to be a better place.