Kelly Tall
Master of Data Science and Innovation
You get to view data science from all different angles - it’s a bit choose your own (data) adventure
The MDSI has a good mixture of practical and critical engagement with the subject matter. I like that we are part of a small group/centre, which makes it very intimate and personal. I also like that I’ve been allowed to stretch my electives into the design and communications faculties. I love the idea of using data for community engagement; combining it with design and communication to tell stories about the world we live in, or could live in. This course has also opened my eyes to the ethics of data, the big fat questions about data privacy, open data and data and gender equity. I think it’s made us better citizens.
Data Science is such a broad field, and being a transdisciplinary course also means you have access to all the faculties and their expertise. You get to view data science from all different angles - it’s a bit choose your own (data) adventure.
I am half way through the course and it has helped me land a job with Fairfax, working on data analysis and visualisation in their Sydney newsroom. The future has already arrived for me, as well as a few other people in the course who have also been hired on the back of the skills and data understanding we’ve attained.