UTS Pharmacy was established in 2011 to address emerging needs of the pharmacy profession. As the first course area within the UTS Graduate School of Health, it provides innovative, practice-based pharmacy education and high impact research that improves the quality use of medicine.
About UTS Pharmacy
UTS Pharmacy is committed to producing career-ready graduates. Integrated problem-based learning, simulated environments and interdisciplinary workshops are used to help students apply the theory they learn and build their considerable skill set. A wide range of interdisciplinary electives give students the choice to specialise or diversify their skills to best suit their career needs.
Read more about the unique UTS model of learning
Research students are treated as early-career researchers; encouraged to publish and present their work and engage with a range of peers and mentors as they undertake their project.

Alan Shakir, Intern Pharmacist Chemistworks: Well, as a community pharmacist, I do quite a lot of things. I manage the stock levels. I make sure the patients get the correct counseling. I manage the staff, as well. And I run a few of the professional services.
Elizabeth Hannah, Market Access Intern MSD Australia, Intern Pharmacist Royal Prince Alfred Hospital: I work at a global pharmaceutical company, and my role entails working with our department to get our medicines listed under PBS so that all Australians can have access to our medicines.
Eden Simon, Dispensary and Pharmacy Services Category Manager Ventura Health: I work at Ventura Health. We are a multi-branded head office function for a group of over 80 pharmacies, which is primarily based across New South Wales. My role is the dispensary and professional services category manager. So essentially taking care of professional services, as well as anything relating to the dispensary. So pharmaceutical buying as well.
Sydney Phan, Market Access Intern MSD Australia, Intern Pharmacist Royal Prince Alfred Hospital: I'm currently working at two sites as part of my intern here. The first site is at a multinational pharmaceutical company, and my other job is at a tertiary city hospital as a pharmacy intern.
Liam Nguyen, Intern Pharmacist Sydney Eye & Sydney Hospital: Hospital pharmacists play a really important role in shared health care decision making in consultation with doctors and other allied health care professionals. So it's a really collaborative environment. We all work really closely together. We all specialize in different things, and it's through applying all these skills together that we really ensure our patients health is paramount.
Eden Simon: I'm really passionate about working collaboratively with organizations and suppliers to implement professional services in the pharmacy. So for example, we do a range of health promotions. One of those promotions would be asthma checks for asthma week.
Alan Shakir: I primarily decided to do the Masters of Pharmacy course at UTS because of the clinical placement.
Elizabeth Hannah: I completed five placements through my degree, and they were all very different and very broad, and I really enjoyed that diversity of experiences and I utilized all those skills to get this job.
Alan Shakir: The clinical placement at UTS of the Masters of Pharmacy degree has done quite a lot for me, because they gave me the community pharmacy experience, they gave me the hospital experience, and the rural experience.
Eden Simon: In my position I have to present a lot. I do training sessions for pharmacists quite often, and this is something that UTS really prepared me. We had to present quite a bit in the coursework and really just prepared me and made me feel confident.
Liam Nguyen: I found that our lecturers at UTS worked directly between us and any changes that were occurring in the profession. They were all industry experts in their field, and so any changes that occur, we're the first to know about them.
Eden Simon: There's so many options out there for pharmacists and I'm passionate about all those other roles and positions that we can play and how crucial they are.
Elizabeth Hannah: Because I work for a global pharmaceutical company, we get insights from other regions of the world about their public health issues as well as Australia's, and there are opportunities to travel around the world and work there as well.
Liam Nguyen: Because I had been so well prepared for the interviews, I actually knew where I was going to be for my internship by around September in my final year. With all the encouragement from the teachers, with all the help from basically everyone, I managed to secure a job early and I was secure way before graduation.
Eden Simon: I think my main motivation would just be my passion for health care and for helping people.
Alan Shakir: Anyone that's thinking of doing a pharmacy degree, it's definitely something worth trying.
As a new course area, UTS Pharmacy is in a unique position to ensure best practice and innovation at each stage of development. As a result, the School is proud to offer a fresh, student-focused approach for highly motivated, career-minded students. Working with an educational designer, UTS Pharmacy academics have created a curriculum that utilises cutting-edge tools to integrate pharmaceutical science with clinical practice, technology and interdisciplinary skills.
Experts in health
As well as being experienced pharmacy practitioners, many of our academics are internationally renowned researchers who shape current and future pharmacy practice.
High impact research
The school undertakes pharmacy research with the same emphasis on practice development and collaboration. All UTS research in pharmacy aims to have a real impact on improving the quality use of medicine for both individuals and communities.
Partner of the profession
UTS Pharmacy works closely with its key professional partners to ensure the relevance of degrees and research to areas of current and future importance.
State-of-the-art facilities
In line with its practice-based ethos, the school is home to state-of-the-art facilities with purpose-built wet and dry laboratories and simulated environments to enhance students' learning experiences.
Our structure
Pharmacy is the first discipline within the UTS Graduate School of Health. UTS Pharmacy comprises:
- Over 160 students studying the Master of Pharmacy and 30 higher degree research students
- A well-developed staff comprising academics, post-doctoral fellows, practitioner teachers and professional staff.