There are many reasons why organisations sponsor our Bachelor of Accounting program.
Program sponsors
Why sponsor?
Some of the benefits your company could gain from partnering with us are:
- A majority of Bachelor of Accounting graduates will accept permanent employment from one of the 30 organisations that provided their training.
- At the end of each three-year intensive program, the sponsors know the students well, and have seen how they perform under real work pressures; the result is a pool of first-class graduates to recruit from.
- Bachelor of Accounting students are an instant source of accounting talent, whether needed for special projects or to fill in for absent staff. The value of work performed by students in completing their project-based work experience can in itself repay the sponsorship contribution.
- Sponsor representatives are able to network easily and frequently with the many other sponsor organisations involved in the program.
- Supervisors of students have the opportunity to contribute to the education of these highly motivated young people, who will enter the accounting profession and become tomorrow's business leaders.
- Sponsor organisations gain a high level of visibility on campus through their participation in the program.

Get involved
To find out more on how you can get involved in the program and recruit our best and brightest, see the information for sponsors.