Dr Amela Peric
I enjoyed the flexibility provided by UTS DAB and the level of freedom with my choice of topic and...
Doctor of Project Management, School of Built Environment, University of Technology, Sydney
Master of Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney
Bachelor of Economics and Computer Science (Honours in Applied Mathematics), University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Going beyond standard measures of success
After completing her masters at UTS and extensive analysis of available courses, Amela Peric found that the School of Built Environment provided exactly what she needed in order to pursue her research into integrated project management success frameworks.
“I always had the desire to pursue my education to the doctoral level, it is just that I thought it would be in science, not in project management,” Amela says. “We never know where our life path and interests take us and where we will find ourselves.”
Dr Peric’s research focused on the alignment of projects with overall organisational goals and success elements that extend beyond individual project goals.
“Specifically, I investigated the impacts of successful projects on organisations and whether individual project criteria should include additional factors such as alignment with the existing environment and IT infrastructure and not only standard project success measurements around scope, time and cost.”
Juggling competing demands with support
Dr Peric says she received terrific support in achieving her research goals thanks to help from her employer, the Australian Securities Exchange, and UTS Faculty of Design, Architecture & Building (DAB).
“I enjoyed the flexibility provided by UTS DAB and the level of freedom with my choice of topic and the approach to research. As I did not have a luxury to focus on my study full time, my employer’s support was of significant importance, as I had to work full time and study part time, while also taking care of my family,” she says.
“I received fantastic support during my studies and met some great people during my research. It was quite challenging balancing full time work, family and study, especially knowing that the study takes years of hard work, but I am glad I made it.
“I was fortunate to have a great supervisor in Dr John Twyford for the entire time and receive fantastic support during crucial times from Professor Shankar Sankaran. I felt very supported and encouraged by everyone.”
Inspired to lead – and give back
Dr Peric draws her motivation from arriving in Australia as a refugee and inspiration from people who work hard towards their goals despite personal hardship.
“I made a commitment to make the most of the opportunity given to me in my new country and try and be the best I can be. I have three children and I wanted to set a good example for them to follow.”
In her ‘spare time’ away from a demanding career as general manager data technology at the ASX, Amela continues to give back, teaching postgraduate project management at UTS, University of Sydney and Asia Pacific International College.
“It gives me great pleasure and the opportunity to contribute to development of others who share my passion for management. UTS feels like home and I am very happy that after finishing my studies I can remain connected and involved.”
Research interests
People and project management, IT strategy, employee engagement, project performance improvement, alignment between strategy, projects and individual goals, overall performance improvement (productivity, efficiency and risk reduction).
Teaching areas
- Integrated scope, cost and schedule control
- Project performance improvement
- Project management fundamentals
Journal articles
Kozarevic, E., Peric, A., Delic, A. (2014) Job Satisfaction of Banking Sector Employees in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, Economia. Seria Management, Volume 17, Issue 1, 2014, ISSN 1454-0320
Delic, A, Kozarevic, E., Peric, A., Civic, B. (2014) Monetary and Non-Monetary Incentives Impact on Job Satisfaction: Evidence from Bosnia & Herzegovina, World Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN: 1839-1184
Towards a Methodology to Help Predict and Reduce the Impact of Projects on Long Term Costs, Corporate Strategy and Existing IT Infrastructure (2009)
Public lectures and conference papers
Peric, A., Sankaran S., Twyford, J. (2011) Successful IT Projects and their Impact on Operations in organizations, PMI International Research Conference 2011, Pune, India. (received the award for best technical paper)
Kozarevic, E., Peric, A., Softic, A. (2013) Global Venture Capital Funds Industry: Overview and Perspective”, Third International Scientific Conference “Economy and Integration: Using knowledge to move from recession to prosperity”, 2013 (Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Delic, A, Kozarevic, E., Peric, A., Civic, B. (2014) Monetary and Non-Monetary Incentives Impact on Job Satisfaction: Evidence from Bosnia & Herzegovina, Annual Paris Business and Social Science Research Conference