Adelle Elhosni
UTS:Law would provide me with a practical and contemporary legal education, all within a supportive...
What led you to choose UTS:Law for your studies? I chose UTS:Law because I knew I would gain a tertiary educational experience at a reputable and well-established institution. From my research into different law schools, I was quick to realise that UTS:Law would provide me with a practical and contemporary legal education, all within a supportive learning environment. The university was welcoming and the students I had the chance to meet prior to my selection of UTS, were equally as welcoming and spoke very highly of the supportive culture within the faculty. Now in my fifth year, I can attest to this supportive and friendly culture.
If you are working while you are studying, what does your job involve? I am currently working as a paralegal at a top-tier commercial law firm. In this role I engage in a range of tasks that involve assisting junior and senior lawyers, to partners. Tasks I often engage in include the preparation of documents for court proceedings, the compilation of briefs for counsel, developing research memos on particular points of law or on recent legal developments, and assisting in drafting advises to clients.
I am also employed by UTS as a U:PASS leader. U:PASS stands for UTS Peer Assisted Study Success, and in my role as a leader I facilitate weekly group study sessions for first year business students in a subject called Business Statistics. This role allows me to give back to the university by assisting students with their studies in a difficult subject, as well as encouraging cooperative learning in a comfortable environment. There are also UTS U:PASS leaders who lead in select law subjects including Criminal Law and Real Property Law.
How do you balance study and work commitments? It is important to strike a healthy balance between study and work commitments as well as leisurely activities. I have been able to do this by managing my time, and prioritising my tasks during semester. As a law student, I quickly learnt the importance of applying myself consistently to my studies, and I benefited from being able to set myself weekly goals to complete my university work each semester. It was certainly beneficial to have part-time work, as I noticed that throughout my university studies, I was able to learn the importance of time management as a result of having other work commitments.
It is also important to remind yourself that there is always time for work, but that there must always be time to spend with family and friends. Working out a suitable approach to study for each subject at the beginning of each semester is how I have been able to achieve a balance between my personal and professional commitments.
How have/will your studies at UTS contributed to your career? How have they informed the way you work? My studies at UTS have contributed to my professional development in a number of ways. I have been able to enhance my written communication skills through various assessment tasks including academic essay writing and problem solving exercises. In addition to gaining an invaluable insight into the law across a range of subject areas, the opportunity to apply the law in practice has presented itself across most law courses, as we have been assessed on our application of the law to practical scenarios. This has been a beneficial way to transition from learning the law in theory and applying the law in practice. Engaging in in-class discussions has also allowed me to develop inter-personal and oral communication skills, and I have come to appreciate the importance of succinct and well-considered answers.
In addition, the faculties ongoing support of the UTS Law Society and the opportunity to engage in competitions such as client interviewing and mooting, has allowed me to develop a range of professional skills, and appreciate the importance of cooperative teamwork. Finally, the opportunity to be lectured and mentored by academics, many of whom have and continue to engage in different professions in law, has allowed me to gain an insight into where my degree might take me. It is exciting to know that a law degree can pave the way for your future career development in any direction you choose!
What is the most rewarding aspect of your degree? Why? The most rewarding aspect of my degree has been the opportunity to learn about different areas of law and complex legal concepts. As I began my degree at UTS I quickly came to the realisation that a law degree and practice in the legal field involves a life-long learning process. I have found enjoyment in learning about the law, and knowing that I will one day use my knowledge for the benefit of others, will be a rewarding experience that I look forward to as I enter the workforce.
In addition to the learning experience, the people that I have met throughout my degree have presented another rewarding aspect of my studies. The friendships that I have developed with my peers are friendships that I know will last a lifetime, as well as the academics that I have come to learn so much from and been inspired by, have all contributed to an amazing learning experience.
What would your advice be for someone who is looking at studying Law at UTS? Do your research about the degree to see if law is something that might interest you. Try and talk to students currently studying at UTS and pay the faculty a visit so you can see for yourself just how friendly and supportive the culture at UTS really is.
Apart from that, don’t question whether you have the ability to engage in a law degree. Go for it, and know that UTS is an institution where you will have the support you need to succeed. If you have come this far and feel that a law degree is something you are interested in, then embrace what will be a challenging yet greatly rewarding experience.
Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience at UTS:Law, or the University as a whole? I have enjoyed every moment of my time at UTS – it is important to find a place where you fit, and I found this at UTS. My studies at UTS:Law have been both challenging and insightful, and I would encourage others who decide to take the journey of a law degree, to do so at UTS:Law.