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Current students

Aditi Rosegger (PhD) Towards an emergent transdisciplinary framework for sustainable water governance based on lessons from the international, intentional community of Auroville, South India 
Amensisa Hailu Tesfaye (PhD)
Resilience of community health workers to the impacts of climate change for sustainable health systems in Australia
Headshot of Amensisa Hailu Tesfaye
Andrea Turner (PhD) Reimagining food and organics waste management in our cities: Making better decisions in a complex world
Headshot of Andrea Turner
Andrew Tovey (PhD)Exploring approaches to Australian smart city projects that maximise social and environmental impact
Headshot of Andrew Tovey.
Anja Bless (PhD)The Politics of Regenerative Agriculture in Australia
Headshot of Anja Bless
Balwant Godara (PhD)Exploring the links between climate action, socioeconomic inequalities, and development policy: A comparative study in the water sector in the Sunderbans delta in South Asia
headshot of Balwant Godara
Bernardo Mendonca Severiano (PhD)Market advantage through circularity certification of batteries in the micro mobility industry
HEadshot of Bernardo Mendonca Severiano
Candice Delaney (PhD)Navigating ecological recovery: human-plant relations after bushfire in NSW
Headshot of Candice Delaney
Dani Alexander (PhD)Flexing Our Energy System to Deliver Clean, Affordable, Reliable and Equitable Energy
Headshot of Dani Alexander
David Rodgers (PhD)Determinants of vulnerability to water scarcity in the Mekong River Basin
Headshot of David Rodgers.
Deepu Krishnan (PhD) Energy Efficiency in Vulnerable Households 
Donna Lopata (PhD)How Are Australian Superannuation Funds Considering And Mitigating Carbon Risk?
Headshot of Donna Lopata.
Edward (Jin Yong ) Sung (PhD)China’s 2060 Carbon Neutrality Pledge: The effects of changes in China’s natural gas price on the Australian economy
Edward Sun
Faisal Nadeem (PhD) Agricultural vulnerability assessment to climate change at district level in Pakistan
Hedshot of Faisal Nadeem
Farah Tasnim (PhD)Resilience to Climate-Induced Heatwaves: A Mixed Methodological Approach for the Indigenous Communities in Bangladesh
Headshot of Farah Tasnim.
Farhana Rahman (PhD)Investigating enablers for reusable packaging in India to reduce use of short-lived plastics and drive a circular economy 
Farzan Tahir (PhD)Feasibility analysis of community based microgrids using a decision support tool
Farzan Tahir
Fiona Lord (PhD)Drivers and roadblocks in achieving smart and sustainable city development’: investigation of policy, governance and financing factors underpinning sustainable urban development in South-east Asia, with case-studies in Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos PDR
HEadshot of Fiona Lord
Franziska Genter (PhD) Towards safely managed water services for vulnerable populations in Asia-Pacific: Exploring equity implications of self supply in Indonesia and Vanuatu
Headshot of Franziska Genter.
Freya Mills (PhD)Increasing the role of evidence to inform urban sanitation decision-making in developing countries to meet multiple objectives
Headshot of Freya Mills
Genevieve Kelly (PhD)What are the limits of 'techno optimism' for the climate tech industry? Exploring the development of Australia's climate tech ecosystem, and the relationship between startups, funding, and intermediaries to drive future impact 
Georgia Willard (PhD)Investigating the integration of recycled textiles to the Australian market
Headshot of Georgia Willard.
Gita Putri (PhD)The role of refill water in progress towards SDG 6.1: Exploring risk and opportunities for vulnerable population in urban Indonesia
Headshot of Gita Putri
Hannah Mullen (PhD)Transdisciplinary Stewardship for Emerging Textile
Headshot of Hannah Mullen
Ira Ryski Wahyuni (PhD)Strategies for building sustainable and climate-resilient sanitation in Indonesia: an approach to modify existing scheduled fecal sludge management services program
Headshot of Ira Ryski Wahyuni.
James Macken (PhD)Framework for scenario planning in the waste, water and energy sectors leveraging digital technologies, methods and techniques
James Macken
Jason Graham-Nye (PhD) What factors predispose Generation Y parents toward making sustainable nappy choices: A comparative study in the EU and US
Headshot of Jason Graham-Nye
Jeremy Cox (PhD)Evaluating community models and platforms to support renewable energy projects and home energy upgrades
Headshot of Jeremy Cox
Jiayun LiHuman-nature interactions in pedestrian-friendly streets and their health effects: towards the biophilic design of healthy cities
Headshot of Jiayun Li.
Joe Wyndham (PhD)Towards a Data Science Driven Electricity Sector: Bridging the gap between data science innovation and a traditional electricity sector
Headshot of Joe Wyndham
Jordan Roods (PhD)Governance for a thriving circular nutrient value chain: An integration study
Headshot of Jordan Roods.
Juliet Landler (PhD)Best practices in affordable housing kitchen ventilation design
Headshot of Juliet Landler
Karin Kobelentz (Masters)International comparisons in Sustainable Finance and learnings for Australia - how the financial services sector can play a role in creating a more sustainable Australian society and economy in a post-Covid 19 world
Headshot of Karin Kobelentz
Karina Kallio (PhD)Designing in Re-use and Re-manufacture: Transitioning China’s fashion and textile industries to a regenerative, circular economy
HEadshot of Karina Kallio
Katarina Veem (PhD)Multi-stakeholder platforms – contribute to environmental sustainability in the Garment Sector Supply Chains in Asia?
Headshot of Katarina Veem
Kate Bennett (PhD)The application of sustainable finance mechanisms in developing and emerging markets to accelerate progress towards the SDGs 
Kerry Tozer (PhD)Overcoming market barriers for a thriving circular nutrient value chain: A market feasibility and perception study
Headshot of Kerry Tozer.
Lailly Prihatiningtyas (PhD)A comparative study on the institutionalization of social dialogue process for a just energy transition in Indonesia and Australia
Headshot of Lailly Prihatiningtyas
Lisa McMurray (PhD)Indigenous-led self-determining community development and how does it contribute to Indigenous self-determination and sovereignty? 
Headshot of Lisa McMurray.
Maryella Hatfield (PhD)The Future Makers: Solutions narratives of sustainability for the screen
Headshot of Maryella Hatfield
Martin Egan (PhD)How can the “customer first” and iterative approaches of successful Australian and International start-ups be applied to help the energy transition?
Martin Egan
Melita Grant (PhD)Systems, creative arts, and partnerships for improved water sanitation and hygiene outcomes
Headshot of Melita Grant
Michelle Knappstein (Masters)Improving access to WASH services in Vanuatu 
Mohammad Ratul (PhD)Assessing the life cycle impacts Lithium Batteries for a future circular economy for batteries
Headshot of Mohammed Ratul
Mukunda Adhikari (PhD) Performance Measurement and Reporting in Local Non-Governmental Organisations: A Nepalese Case Study
HEadshot of Mukunda Adhikari
Nuhu Amin (PhD)Towards safe sanitation approaches: faecal pathogens and onsite systems in urban Bangladesh
Headshot of Nuhu Amin
Paul Hansen (Masters)From self supply to safely managed water in urban Indonesia
Headshot of Paul Hansen
Prakash Paudel (PhD)Conflict-Sensitivity in International Development Interventions in Post-Conflict Fragility of Nepal
Headshot of Prakash Paudel
Qianyao Huang (PhD)For a Sustainable Future: Small/Medium-Sized Water Management Landscape Application in Sustainable Urban Water Management
Sabrina Huang
Safaa Aldirawi (PhD)Detailed Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Change Using Multi-Criteria Approach: Jakarta Case Study
Safaa Aldiwari
Sara Caspani (PhD)A participatory action research into the relationships between 'commoning care' and the transformation of society and the self
Headshot of Sara Caspani
Sarah Wilson (PhD)Exploring Quantum Dot Governance in the Quantum Imaginary
Sarah Wilson headshot
Seth Opoku Mensah (PhD)Utilisation of Socio-environmental and Livelihood Opportunities of Climate Change to Enhance Local Adaptation Capacity in the Talensi District of the Northern Savannah Ecological Zone in Ghana
Image of Seth Opoku Mensah
Shima Mafi (PhD)How Long Are Individuals Ready to Go to Reach their Daily Destinations Using Active Transportation Modes? (Case Study: Sydney)
Headshot of Shima Mafi.
Shirley Jackson (PhD)(Clean) Energy Generation: Exploring skilled pathways into energy jobs within the political economy of the just transition
Headshot of Shirley Jackson
Simon Ross (PhD)Water and sanitation infrastructure: Innovative planning for the Asia Pacific
Simon Ross
Somayeh Sadegh Koohestani (PhD)Delivering livability outcomes for urban densification under a climate constrained context
Headshot of Somayeh Koohestani.
Tamara Al-Obaidi (PhD)Health in the urban environment: Exploring residents views and system understandings within the building context in Sydney, Australia, using a complex systems health and wellbeing framework
Tamara Obaidi
Tanya Accone (PhD)The interplay between sustainability, innovation and transdisciplinarity in the context of child-centred development
Headshot of Tanya Accone
Tasneem Rangwala (PhD)Incorporating the adaptive planning process into the traditional planning cycle, used by regional water utilities, to develop their long-term strategic plans
Headshot of Tasneem Rangwala
Ursula King (PhD)Equitably edible urbanscapes: Exploring the intersections between sustainability, food systems, and health in Australian urban and peri-urban places 
Watte Gamage Amara Nilanthi Jayathilake (PhD)A systems approach for food and packaging waste reduction for a sustainable future
Headshot of Nilanthi Jayathilake
Will Owen Scott-Kemmis (PhD)The ecologies of just transitions: food systems change in the global south
Will Scott-Kemmis headshot