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Supporting the Australian civil society sector to more effectively integrate climate change in their Pacific programming

A woman fixes an emergency tent in the Pacific Islands

Australian-based non-government organisations (ANGOs) have a long history of working in the Pacific, often in partnership with diverse local organisations. The impacts of climate change are increasingly affecting the work of ANGOs and their local partners, requiring new ways of working to ensure development gains are not reversed.  

This project focuses on supporting ANGOs and their Pacific partners to integrate climate and disaster resilience more effectively into programming. UTS-ISF is working with the Australia-Pacific Climate Partnership, to support ANGOs and their partners with climate risk-informed development approaches in Pacific countries. 

Project activities include a Reference Group of ANGO representatives, to steer the research and ensure outputs are fit for purpose. Additionally, the research involves the peer review of guidance to integrate climate and disaster risk. Lessons learned will be shared with the ANGO sector to inform future integration efforts. The intermediate outcome in this scope of work will contribute to a broader and higher-level outcome ‘ANGOs implement changes that reflect increased confidence in, and prioritisation of, climate and disaster resilience actions in programming’. 



  • 2021-22


  • Pacific region


  • Palladium - Australia Pacific Climate Partnership Support Unit


Icon for SDG 13 Climate action

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goal 13

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