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Anticipatory action in the Pacific Islands

Image of vegetation in the pacific

Anticipatory action refers to actions triggered before a crisis in order to mitigate the worst effects of the crisis, or even avoid it altogether. It is a rapidly growing concept used in humanitarian aid, climate change and disaster, and climate finance. Anticipatory actions need to be time bound, protect people and resources, and use pre-agreed triggers and data systems. All of this needs to happen within a coordinated multi-stakeholder environment where roles and responsibilities are clearly agreed on before disasters strike.

While there is much progress in East Africa and Southeast Asia on the approach, small island states in the Pacific face unique opportunities to develop context-specific anticipatory action systems. The Food & Agricultural Organization (FAO), in collaboration with the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF), undertook a major study to determine the opportunities for anticipatory action in the Pacific region.

The study focused on the governance architecture for anticipatory action. The team analysed existing concepts and regional progress, and conducted policy analysis and interviews in three countries to determine the feasibility of advancing anticipatory action in the Pacific Islands

FAO Report from the project: The team developed a comprehensive report analysing the various aspects of anticipatory action governance in the Pacific Island Countries’ region. The book can be found here.

For project information contact the research lead, Dr Federico Davila:

Phase 1 – Regional perspectives and emerging topics

Phase 1 focused on how regional agencies and global literature are framing anticipatory action, and the demand from Pacific regional agencies to develop anticipatory action strategies. The Pacific region, despite its vulnerability to climate shocks, continues to make substantial progress in climate resilience frameworks and policies, action to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and leverage existing and future capacities to mitigate risk.

You can read the Phase 1 Report here

Phase 2 – Detailed study into the governance architecture and feasibility of anticipatory action

Phase 2 focused on major policy developments and thinking related to anticipatory action in the Pacific region, focused on the period 2022-2023 when there was accelerated interest in the topic. The analysis focused on Palau, Solomon Islands, and Fiji as three case study countries with capacities and interest in advancing anticipatory action

Full Report Here: Feasibility of anticipatory action in the Pacific Islands region



  • 2022-2024


  • Palau
  • Fiji
  • Solomon Islands


  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


Icon for SDG 2 Zero hunger
Icon for SDG 13 Climate action

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 and 13.

Read about ISF's SDG work
