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Growing finance sector capacity for sustainability.

We work with financial system participants – banks, insurance, super funds, investors, regulators, government and the community – to advance sustainability, prosperity and wellbeing through sustainable finance and investment. We deliver bespoke research services and are working in partnership with financial system stakeholders to establish a sustainable finance learning ecosystem to meet the learning needs of the Australian financial system.

PROJECT | 2024

An image displaying an electronic grid and connectivity

Drivers of change: meeting the energy and data demands of AI adoption in Australia and New Zealand

Uncertain about the impact of AI on energy consumption? Turns out that so too are IT managers who are key to AI deployment.

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PROJECT | 2023


Scaling Green Retrofit Housing Finance

The Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) has proposed a “regulatory nudge” to unlock financing for green retrofits for low-income earners. With energy prices spiking, householders that wish to make green retrofits to their homes but don’t have access to spare cash risk being exposed to an unfair “net zero poverty premium”.  

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Winding river

PROJECT | 2022

Corporate Sustainability Review for responsible investor

In 2022, ISF undertook research and review of the sustainability positioning and journey of a large Australian corporation on behalf of a group of responsible investors. Reflections were made on the overall sustainability governance and topics ranging from climate change, circular economy, and nature-related issues to diversity and inclusion. The researchers provided a report to the investors that summarised the company’s progress in its sustainability journey over the past five years, the most significant issues outstanding and engagement priorities for addressing the issues.

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Advancing climate skills in the Australian financial system


PROJECT | 2022

Advancing climate skills in the Australian financial system

A nation-wide survey of Australia's finance system identifies crucial skills gaps for supporting the transition to net zero and figuring climate change into planning. The results are distilled in an ISF report that includes recommendations for addressing this problem and developing a sustainable finance learning ecosystem.

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t: +61 2 9514 4950

Level 10, UTS Building 10
235 Jones Street
Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia

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