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NSW Circular Rapid Review Reports

A green infinity symbol with an arrow on the end

ISF has played a leading role in three of the four NSW Circular - Rapid Review research reports released in March 2022, including across the priority areas of industry, finance & investment and government. ISF was also involved in the precincts and infrastructure research.

These research reports address some of the key challenges in the transition to a circular economy in not only New South Wales, but also broader Australia. They involved collaboration within UTS (with UTS Business School and UTS Law School) as well as other NSW universities, including UNSW Sydney, University of Sydney, Macquarie University and University of Newcastle.

The challenges that are addressed in the reports include:

  • Identification and measurement of circular assets and risks for the finance and investment sector;
  • Benchmarking and monitoring the greenhouse gas implications of a circular economy in NSW;
  • Taxation and fiscal policy for a circular economy; and
  • Embedding circular economy principles within precincts and infrastructure business case processes in NSW.

These projects continue our ongoing partnership with NSW Circular and the NSW Government on circular economy research, where we have previously undertaken work on circular economy best practice, public procurement, circular metrics and solar panel re-use and recycling.


Finance and Investment Rapid Review (2022) (Report)

Industry Rapid Review (2022) (Report)

Government Rapid Review (2022) (Report)

Precincts and Infrastructure Rapid Review (2022) (Report)



  • 2021-2022


  • New South Wales, Australia


  • NSW Circular

Funded by

  • NSW Office of Chief Scientist and Engineer


Icon for SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth
Icon for SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 12.

Read about ISF's SDG work