We are pleased to announce that Myfanwy Wallwork will join us for a six-month HTI Fellowship from today. This will be our second HTI Fellow, following Dr Kate Bower who started her Fellowship last month.

Myfanwy is the former Vice President, Regulatory Compliance Global at LexisNexis. She was part of the Expert Reference Group for the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Human Rights and Technology project and she has led the LexisNexis partnership with HTI to deliver strategic AI capability to the legal sector. She has also recently been invited to join the Expert Advisory Group on the Regulation of AI at the James Martin Institute.
Myfanwy will be working on developing a practical tool to operationalise the NSW AI Assurance Framework for NSW Government agencies. The Framework helps government to develop and use AI in ways that keep our community safe, with a focus on fairness, transparency and accountability.
Following on from completion of the contracted fellowship, there will be large-scale potential to build a suite of tools so that organisations can show commitment to responsible innovation through the development, deployment and use of AI-based technologies.