Looking for fun ways to make a positive impact while you study? We’ve curated the best sustainability initiatives you can get involved in, right here on campus!

At UTS, sustainability and social justice is at our core, and we're proud to be among the first Australian universities to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which work towards a fairer and more environmentally sustainable world.
Subscribe to UTS Sustainability News, the monthly e-newsletter with details of what’s happening in sustainability at UTS.

Sustainability engineering on the other side of the world | Graciela Bustos video transcript
When I was little, I was more into like marine life and like marine biology, and that kind of just sprouted towards a love for the environment in general. And sustainability engineering kind of allows me to protect the environment in a way that's tangible and more action-packed.
My name is Graciela Bustos. My home university is the University of San Diego, and I study sustainability engineering with a minor in mathematics. I want to work on clean energy and eliminate the use of fossil fuels to make the environment a cleaner and better place for the future generations.
How did your exchange experience enrich your knowledge in sustainability?
So, my classes in particular were probably the most sustainability focused. Three in particular: Environmental Remediation, Marine Algae Productivity, and Renewable Energy Systems.
So, Renewable Energy Systems is obviously learning about all the different types of energy and how to implement them. Like coding a solar cell and that kind of mimics real world like solar electricity production.
And then environmental remediation is about exploring lands sites and identifying sources of degradation. So, I've written a whole report about one specific area in Sydney that I think is environmentally neglected, and then I made a whole plan about how to make it a better area.
And then the last one, Marine Algae was super science-y and hands-on. Getting to go out into the marine life and take samples, look at them under the microscope, and analyse how their habitat and their habitat losses affects their livelihoods.
So, those three classes in particular are super special to me just because of how much they align with my passion.
What’s your #1 piece of advice for exchange students interested in sustainability?
Experience as much as possible. Sydney, in particular, is huge and so there's always events that are going around. Sustainability is a big topic now that you're bound to find someone that has the same level of interest in sustainability as you do.
So, I think just putting yourself out there and learning about what other people's pinions are about sustainability is like one of the best ways to immerse yourself in that environment.
University initiatives and rankings
At UTS, we are working to decarbonise as rapidly as possible, in line with our values. The UTS Climate Positive Plan guides our response to the climate emergency and our commitment to the UN SDGs.
UTS is ranked 13th in the world and 5th in Australia for overall contributions to Sustainable Development (Times Higher Education Impact Ranking 2024, opens external link) and 47th in the world and 5th in Australia for Sustainability (QS Sustainability Rankings 2025, opens external link).
Global Goals Month celebrates awareness of, and our contribution to, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The event is held in September each year.

Global Goals Month 2023
Travelling responsibly
Travelling to Australia inevitably means flying. Here are some strategies to promote responsible travel and reduce your environmental footprint!
- Read up on sustainable airlines (opens external site) before booking your flight.
- Use a Carbon Footprint Calculator (opens external site) to measure your carbon footprint and take action to reduce it.
- Whilst in Australia, consider travelling by train or bus, which emits less CO2 than driving or taking a plane.
- Plan ahead and support destinations and attractions that prioritise sustainability and responsible tourism practices (opens external site).
- Explore locally and dive into the amazing sights of Sydney (opens external site) with the friends you make. Every weekend can feel like a holiday!

Train travel during the study vacation
Take a sustainability subject
UTS recognises the importance of embedding sustainability into the curriculum in order to prepare you for your future career! Explore our selection of subjects that incorporate sustainability and social justice at UTS!
You can also undertake subjects that have a consultancy or project embedded for a ‘not-for-profit organisation’ or social enterprise.
Learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' rich culture and extensive history by enrolling in Aboriginal Sydney Now.

Discover a new perspective on the other side of the world | Mia Chiara Ellenberger video transcript
The first thing I wanted to do is to foster my abilities to work internationally. Against my expectations, I didn't learn so much theory, but more for life.
Hi, my name is Mia and I'm from Germany, Hamburg. I always dreamed about doing a semester abroad. What really interested me is that Australia is a few steps further in relating to mental health topics. And also, the healthcare system is one of the global leading systems. I worked in the healthcare the past years as a project manager and I was really interested to figure it out.
What part of studying at UTS stood out for you?
Management consulting is the most interesting course for me because it's linked to working as a project manager. You're consulting a real client project, you foster very valuable connections with them, and train to communicate the right way with a real client. And it's a charity organisation, so it's even more fascinating to figure out not just to maximise profit like from the business view you have in your business studies, but also to think a little bit further how you can provide the right support for a charity organisation.
What was it like settling into a new life in Sydney?
In the beginning, this big change did take a lot of me. But I felt really safe coming here to UTS. You're closer connected with the teachers because you could always talk to them if you're struggling with assignments, you can always get understanding and figure out a solution together, and that's what I really appreciate because for me it's been a very hard semester, but a very enriching semester as well.
What advice do you have for students considering an exchange at UTS?
If you have the capacity to join the programs besides your courses, do it. I volunteered at the film of my client's project, actually from the management and consulting course. It was a chance to finally volunteer and do something with a big purpose. It was such a nice experience. Volunteering gave me a completely new point of view on working and the feeling of working, not to have overworked you, but also participating for a bigger purpose. It feels like I came here with like an empty box or something and now it's just overflowing, you know.
Make a positive impact
Outside of the classroom
Sign up for one of our signature extra-curricular programs.
Join a club
Several clubs and societies focus on the environment, community, and social justice (opens external site).
Take a tour
Participate in a green roof tour of our sustainable buildings or the Climate Change Cluster and Deep Green Biotech Hub.
Get active
Take part in events and celebrations held by ActivateUTS throughout the year, including Pride Week, Green Week, and Wellbeing Week (links open external site).
Provide support
By becoming an ActivateUTS Wellbeing Rep (opens external site) you’ll not only gain skills to confidently address mental health matters but also foster a welcoming environment to discuss them. Hear from study abroad student Lorenzo about his experience (opens external site) as a Wellbeing Rep.
Interact with other students in Culture Connect, our student pre-arrival platform. There you'll learn more about the multicultural tapestry that is Australia! We also offer modules on sustainability and Indigenous Australia.
Learn about local environmental issues
Start a conversation (opens external site) with your fellow students from around the world. Fascinating podcasts include Think Sustainability (opens external site) and 100 Climate Conversations (opens external site).

Urban farming with the UTS BUILD program 2023
Contacts and further support
Subscribe to the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion mailing list for news and events!
If you’ve got a story to share, please email studyabroad.exchange@uts.edu.au. We're constantly seeking to expand our resources and share more sustainable travel narratives. Your contribution is greatly valued!