Learn more about plagiarism and cheating.

Plagiarism and cheating - what is it?
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Plagiarism and self-plagiarism
Examples of plagiarism include (but is not limited to):
- copying words, images, programming code, ideas etc, from websites, books, journals, newspapers etc without acknowledging the source
- paraphrasing to change the words but keep the ideas without acknowledging the source
- downloading material from the internet and including it as part of your own work without acknowledging the source
- copying work, such as all or part of an assignment from someone else and submitting it as your own work
- submitting one of your own assignments, or part of an assignment, for assessment in more than one subject, or in the same subject a second time without authorisation.
Examples of cheating include (but is not limited to):
- copying and or reworking any parts of work produced by another student and submitting as your own work
- requesting or paying someone to complete your assessment or parts of your assessment
- accessing unauthorised material for a quiz, examination or any other form of assessment
- breaching an examination condition including but, not limited to interfering with the examination invigilation and not presenting identification as required
- recycling your own previously submitted assessment or parts of the assessment
- assisting any other student to cheat by sharing your assessment or parts of your assessment to another UTS student
- sharing your assessment or parts of your assessment on any external platforms including online
- providing a student or students with answers for a quiz, examination or any other form of assessment
- manipulate an assessment to avoid the UTS detection software
- use of a third-party service to bypass the UTS detection software
- copying or reworking any material (e.g., text, images, music, video) from generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT and Dall-E), and claiming this work as your own without declaring use of the relevant tool
- using generative AI tools for assessment tasks where it has been specified that they are not to be used.