The following outlines student misconduct sanction codes, which may appear in My Student Admin, and the effect of these sanctions:
DNA: Discipline non academic
If this has been applied to your My Student Admin, you cannot enrol, change your study plan, graduate, obtain a student identification card or receive any offers until your misconduct matter has been finalised.
DPG: Discipline prevent graduation
If this sanction has been applied to your My Student Admin, you are not permitted to graduate. This sanction is applied if you have a misconduct matter that is not finalised or has been imposed as a misconduct penalty.
DSU: Suspension from the university
If you have been suspended from the university, you cannot attend classes, enrol, change your study plan or graduate. Access to computer accounts, the UTS Library and all university services is cancelled. Your student identification card will be cancelled. Suspension is for the period specified in the notice of discipline penalty. You may enrol and resume your studies at the end of the period of suspension.
DEU: Exclusion from the university (up to 5 years)
If you are excluded, you are no longer a student of the university and cannot continue to attend classes, enrol or change your program. Access to computer accounts, the UTS Library and all university services is cancelled. Your student identification card will be cancelled. Exclusion is for the period specified in the notice of discipline penalty. You may reapply for entry to the university at the end of the period of exclusion. If you wish to apply for readmission to a course, you must follow normal admission procedures. Readmission to a course after exclusion is not automatic.
DEP: Permanent exclusion from the university
If you are permanently excluded, you are no longer a student of the university and cannot attend classes, enrol, change your study plan or graduate. Access to computer accounts, the UTS Library and all university services is cancelled. Your student identification card will be cancelled. You are not permitted to reapply for entry to the university.
For further information regarding discipline sanctions contact the Student Misconduct and Appeals Team via email