The following outlines progression sanction codes that may appear in My Student Admin, and the effect of these sanctions.
RPA Research - discontinued pending appeal
Your registration has been discontinued pending appeal. You may apply for continuing access to University facilities and services until such time as the appeal against discontinuation has been finalised.
RAD Discontinued - doctoral assessment incomplete
You have been discontinued for not completing a doctoral assessment.
RAM Discontinued - masters assessment incomplete
You have been discontinued for not completing a masters assessment.
RDD Discontinuation - doctoral assessment unsatisfactory
You have been discontinued due to an unsatisfactory doctoral assessment.
RDM Discontinuation - masters assessment unsatisfactory
You have been discontinued due to an unsatisfactory masters assessment.
RPR Discontinued - progress report not submitted
You have been discontinued for not submitting a progress report.
RPU Discontinued - progress report unsatisfactory
You have been discontinued for unsatisfactory progress reports.
If you are a postgraduate research student whose enrolment has been discontinued, you are no longer a student at the University and cannot continue attending classes, enrol or change your program. Access to computer accounts, Library and all University services is cancelled.
You can reapply for entry to the University. If you wish to apply for re-admission to a course, you must follow normal admission procedures.
For further information regarding progression sanctions for postgraduate research students, contact the Graduate Research School.