Following the release of results your faculty will review fail results. If you have failed one or more subjects in a semester, your enrolment in the following semester may change.
Pre-requisite subjects
If you are enrolled in a future semester in a subject which has a pre-requisite, and you fail the subject that is the pre-requisite in the current semester, your faculty may decide you cannot undertake the enrolled subject in the future semester as a result of your fail. In this instance, the subject in which you are enrolled will change on your study plan from Enrolled to Planned.
However, if the Faculty permits you to continue in the subject, the subject status will remain as Enrolled.
Repeated Failure in a Subject - Two Fails (E2F)
Students who fail a subject specified by a Faculty Board for the second time are liable for this sanction. Where a student is unable to complete a course as a result of being refused permission to enrol in a subject, the student will be excluded from further study for a period of one academic year and may not apply for or enrol in any subjects or courses of study at the University that are conducted during the period of exclusion.
Repeated Failure in a Subject - Three fails (E3F)
Students who fail a subject for the third time are liable for this sanction. It results in the exclusion from further enrolment in the subject.
You must contact your faculty for enrolment advice.
To apply for permission to re-enrol in a subject after three or more failures please complete the Request for permission to re-enrol in a subject after three (or more) failures (PDF, 371kB) form. Further information (including where to submit your form) can be found under Progression Sanctions: coursework students
For Business subjects only:
Students who fail a business subject starting with 2xxxx, must submit the Request for permission to re-enrol in a subject after three (or more) failures through the UTS Business online portal.
If any of your subjects have changed to Planned, you will need to enrol via My Student Admin in alternative subject/s or contact your UTS Student Centre for further advice.