Jumbunna has a number of options to assist you academically in your studies.

Academic tutoring
Jumbunna includes a group of academics that work as part of our Learning Development Team.
Their role is to provide you with learning and study assistance. They focus primarily on the 2 main areas of Academic Communication (including writing) and Mathematics.
Academic Communication Tutors
- Assist you to develop the language knowledge and skills you need to prepare for assignments and other assessments
- The tutors will work with you to develop your essays, reports and presentations so that they meet the requirements of university writing and presenting
- To organise a tutoring session, email (see details below) or drop-in to Jumbunna
Jumbunna has three academic communication specialists tutors:
Name | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | |
Christine Vella | Christine.Vella@uts.edu.au | Yes
| Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Bill Buckley | William.Buckley@uts.edu.au | Yes | Yes | |||
John Sultana | John.Sultana@uts.edu.au |
| Yes | Yes
| Yes
Tutors in Knowledge, Evidence and Numbers (including mathematics)
- Assist you to develop the knowledge and skills you need for your subjects around numbers, data and representing knowledge with numbers
- To organise a tutoring session, email (see details below) or drop-in to Jumbunna
Jumbunna has two mathematics tutors who specialise in various areas of mathematics:
Name | Specialisation | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | |
Brenton James | Physics and General Business, IT and Engineering | Brenton.James@uts.edu.au | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Kylie Garratt | Sport & Exercise Specialist | Kylie.Garratt@uts.edu.au | Yes |
| Yes | Yes |
Other Services
All UTS students can access the following services:
- Higher Education Language and Presentation Support (HELPS) located on level 5, building 1 which can provide assistance with assignment preparation and writing skills development
- Library services for students which are outlined on the library website and include Referencing assistance, Study Skills and Workshops
- The Mathematics and Science Study Centre which is located on level 16, Building 1
- U:PASS which is a program run by Student Services Unit designed to assist students who are studying subjects which are perceived as difficult or historically have a high failure rate
- UTS Special Needs for students with disabilities and ongoing illnesses and learning difficulties