An innovative, effective and low-cost biofouling cleaning process for membranes using free ammonia (FA, i.e., NH3).
Membrane technologies are used for producing high-quality recycled water for wastewater recycling. However, biofouling (i.e., undesired development of microbial layers on membranes) hinders the full potential of membrane technologies. Biofouling reduces membrane performance and leads to membrane replacement. Conventional biofouling control methods are based on physical or chemical cleaning (e.g., NaOH) of membranes, which is either insufficient or expensive (up to 30% of the operating cost for a plant).
Our Solution
Researchers at UTS have developed a novel method that utilizes a by-product in wastewater treatment plants, FA, to replace the chemicals for membrane cleaning, which is economical and environmentally friendly. FA is a biocide that destroys and removes the microbial layers attached to the membranes.
In this novel technology, FA, a waste by-product in wastewater recycling/ treatment plants is used for biofouling cleaning before removing it. This is a closed-loop process that requires minimum external chemical input. The residual FA solutions after membrane cleaning can be returned to the biological wastewater treatment for removal, as commonly done in wastewater recycling/ treatment plants.
Potential Applications
Wastewater treatment
IP Status
The invention is the subject of a Provisional Patent AU2023901932
Qilin Wang, Zehao Zhang, Huan Liu, Xuan Li
Figure 1 (Below): Membrane Filtration for wastewater recycling.

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If you are interested in working with our researchers to develop any of our technologies, please contact the UTS Commercialisation Team at patents@uts.edu.au.