What is the Industry Doctorate Program (IDP)?
The IDP is a targeted PhD program that matches industry organisations with our world-class research expertise. The program embeds a UTS PhD candidate directly into your team for 3-4 years to work on a project specifically designed to solve an issue your organisation faces.
How does it work?
You bring your research problem to UTS and we’ll help you transform it into a structured PhD program. You’ll either be paired with a dedicated UTS PhD student, or there is the option to nominate one of your existing employees to take on the challenge.
What you contribute
You will provide an annual research support fee to UTS and a tax-free stipend to the PhD candidate. If they are already an employee, you’ll continue to pay their salary. You’ll also provide any relevant training and development to help the student excel professionally in your organisation.
What we contribute?
We have a specialised Industry Researcher Development Program (IRDP) that runs concurrently with the IDP to support the candidate. It provides the skills they need to transform from PhD student to industry professional by the time they complete their project. Funding is also available for eligible candidates to present their research project at internationally recognised conferences, if appropriate.
Benefits for your organisation
By embarking on the IDP journey with us, you’ll: Increase your innovation capacity and culture in a cost-effective way Get a unique chance to develop and upskill your most promising employees Gain direct access to UTS, our facilities and our global network of researchers and experts Connect with our best and brightest PhD candidates for future hiring potential.
Find out more
If you’d like more information about the IDP:
Call the UTS Graduate Research School 02 9514 1336
Email grs@uts.edu.au