Gaining international experience is an important component of your degree! To support your participation in global programs, UTS offers a range of scholarships and grants.
Financial assistance
Check out the scholarships and grants below, and then head to Loans and payments and Other opportunities for details of additional funding. Please note funding is not guaranteed, as it is based on availability and eligibility criteria. In the case of non-repayment of funding or grants made by UTS global programs, an academic sanction may apply.
Global Short Programs - Scholarships and grants
To supplement your own savings towards a UTS approved Global Short Programs experience, explore the available scholarships and grants below. If you are completing a travel program, we recommend you also complete the Global Short Program Budget Plan as part of your personal planning [link downloads Excel file]
Eligibility criteria and application information
Eligibility criteria
Eligibility criteria differ depending on the type of funding, so please review each funding opportunity for specific criteria. Funding eligibility criteria apply in addition to the general eligibility criteria to participate in UTS Global Short Programs. Where there are more applicants than available funding, extra consideration may be given to students who meet equity criteria.
Please note some programs offer specific types of financial assistance that have additional eligibility criteria. If you choose one of these programs, you must ensure you meet both the general eligibility criteria and the additional scholarship specific eligibility criteria. If you meet the general eligibility criteria (listed above) but do not meet any of the additional scholarship eligibility criteria, please do not apply for that program. To see partner eligibility criteria, take a look at the Global Short Programs database.
Students must apply before relevant deadlines, scholarships cannot be awarded retrospectively.
Application information
There is no separate application required for Global Short Programs Travel Scholarships, Virtual Global Short Programs Scholarships, New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants, Dr Chau Chak Wing Scholarships, and Fee Waived Exchange Places. Once you apply for a UTS approved Global Short Program, you will be automatically assessed against the scholarship/s offered for that program. Please review the eligibility criteria for applicable scholarship before submitting a program application.
A separate application is required for Global Short Programs Equity and Diversity Scholarships and OS-HELP Loans. See drop-downs for more information.
Global Short Programs Travel Scholarship
To assist you with the costs of travelling overseas on a UTS approved Global Short Program, UTS offers travel scholarships to local and international students who meet the following eligibility criteria. Students who receive this scholarship agree to act as an ambassador for Global Short Programs, and will be required to submit content such as blog posts, images, and videos. Students may also be asked to present at events and information sessions as needed.
Available across all approved programs (if you meet the outlined eligibility criteria).
The actual amount may vary depending on the program. Please refer to the individual program descriptions on the Global Short Programs Database for scholarship availability.
Additional Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
After you ensure that you firstly meet the general eligibility criteria to participate in a UTS Global Short Program, you must also:
- be a UTS undergraduate degree student
- be receiving academic credit to complete your approved Global Short Program or UTS Faculty-led short term program
- within the past calendar year, have not received any other UTS travel scholarships/grants or UTS administered New Colombo Plan Mobility grant
Virtual Global Short Programs Scholarship
To assist you with the costs of participating in a virtual program, UTS offers Virtual Global Short Programs Scholarships to local and international students who meet the eligibility criteria below.
Students who receive this scholarship agree to act as an ambassador for Global Short Programs, and will be required to submit content such as blog posts, images, and videos. Students may also be asked to present at events and information sessions as needed.
Available across all approved programs with participation fees (if you meet the outlined eligibility criteria).
The actual amount may vary depending on the program. Please refer to the individual program descriptions on the Global Short Programs Database for scholarship availability.
Additional Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
After you ensure that you meet the general eligibility criteria to participate in UTS Global Short Programs, you must also:
- be participating in a virtually conducted program
- be a UTS undergraduate degree student
- be receiving academic credit to complete your approved Global Short Program or UTS Faculty-led short term program
- within the past calendar year, not have received another UTS scholarship or award that supports a short-term or semester mobility experience (for example, students cannot receive a Virtual Global Short Programs Scholarship in both June 2021 and December 2021)
Dr Chau Chak Wing Scholarship
*Currently unavailable*
The Dr Chau Chak Wing Scholarship (DCCW) program recognises high achieving students from both Australia and China by providing them with a life-changing opportunity to expand their knowledge and promote lifelong relationships between the two countries. Recipients of Dr Chau Chak Wing Scholarships become members of the prestigious alumni network known as the Dr Chau Chak Wing Scholars Network. DCCW scholarships are available for UTS approved Global Short Programs to designated partners in China. These partners may change from session to session.
Available only for designated programs if you meet eligibility criteria. If you do not, you may still meet additional scholarship eligibility criteria for the Global Short Program Travel Scholarships (see these criteria above)
Additional Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
After you ensure that you firstly meet the general eligibility criteria to participate in UTS Global Short Programs, you must also:
- Have applied to undertake one of the following short-term study programs in China:
- Sun Yat-sen University International Summer Program
- Shanghai University SILC Summer Chinese Language and Business Program
- be a UTS domestic undergraduate degree student.
- on a case-by-case basis, international students may be considered, if the overseas program is NOT in your home country.
- apply for a scholarship before undertaking the activity (scholarships cannot be awarded retrospectively)
- have not previously received a DCCW scholarship
- within the past calendar year, not have received another UTS scholarship or award supporting a short-term or semester mobility experience
New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants
The Australian Government's New Colombo Plan Mobility Program (NCP) (opens an external site) provides grants to support Australian students to undertake study in the Indo-Pacific region. The NCP Mobility Grant is used to assist you with your living expenses while you are completing a global mobility program. A number of UTS approved Global Short Programs, as well as faculty-led study programs, are supported by New Colombo Plan mobility grants.
New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants are currently offered for both in-country and virtual programs approved by UTS.
Students who receive this scholarship agree to act as an ambassador for Global Short Programs, and will be required to submit content such as blog posts, images, and videos. Students may also be asked to present at events and information sessions as needed.
Available only for designated programs if you meet eligibility criteria. If you do not meet these additional criteria do not apply for these programs.
Up to $3000, depending on the program. Please refer to the individual program descriptions on the Global Short Programs Database for scholarship availability.
Students may receive up to two New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants throughout the course of their undergraduate degree. This can be a combination of short-term and semester experiences.
Additional Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
After you ensure that you firstly meet the general eligibility criteria to participate in UTS Global Short Programs, you must also:
- be an Australian citizen (cannot have dual citizenship or residency rights or have previously been a citizen or permanent resident of their program location)
- be enrolled at UTS during the application process and throughout the duration of the short-term overseas experience
- be receiving academic credit to complete your approved Global Short Program or UTS Faculty-led short term program
- be undertaking a Bachelor Degree or Bachelor Honours Degree at the commencement of the short-term overseas experience
- be aged between 18 to 28 inclusive at the commencement of their short-term overseas experience (Note: up to 30 per cent of the students in the cohort may be over the age of 28. Check with if you believe this may apply to you.)
- within the past calendar year, have not received any other UTS travel scholarships or grants. Students may however receive both a virtual and travel scholarship within one calendar year.
- have not received two New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants previously at UTS or any other Australian university
For full eligibility criteria, please see the student eligibility section of the NCP Mobility Program Guidelines (opens an external site).
Global Short Programs Equal Access Scholarship
The Global Short Programs Equal Access Scholarship is for students who, due to their financial situation, would not otherwise have the opportunity to complete UTS approved international study experiences.
How to apply
To request this support you must be eligible for and receiving the Equal Access Scholarship.
If you are currently receiving this support from UTS and would like to apply for our additional Global Short Programs Equal Access Scholarship please email your expression of interest and Equal Access Scholarship supporting documents to with the subject "Application for Global Short Programs Equal Access Scholarship - INSERT YOUR NAME and Student ID"
The amount will be determined by the Global Short Programs team after assessing the applicant’s level of financial hardship and the costs of the program and related expenses (excluding the UTS tuition fee or the student amenities fee).
Additional Eligibility Criteria
After ensuring you meet the general eligibility criteria to participate in UTS Global Short Programs and that you are currently receiving the Equal Access Scholarship, you must also:
- be enrolled at UTS during the application process and throughout the duration of the short-term overseas experience
- be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or the holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or permanent humanitarian visa; or the holder of a Temporary Protection Visa
- within the past calendar year, not received another UTS scholarship or award supporting a short-term or semester mobility experience
Global Short Programs Fee Waived Exchange Place
Selected partner universities may waive some or all of their program fees as part of an exchange agreement between UTS and the host university. If receiving an exchange funded place students will be responsible for UTS tuition fees and any additional fees not covered by the fee waiver. This fee waiver/discount will be arranged directly between the partner university and UTS and will not be sent to the student.
Only available for specific programs listed on the Global Short Programs database. Please see the "scholarships" section of a stay opportunity to see if the program you are interested in offers an exchange funded fee waiver.
Additional Scholarship Eligibility Criteria:
After you ensure that you meet the general eligibility criteria to participate in UTS Global Short Programs, you must also:
- be a UTS undergraduate degree student
- be receiving academic credit to complete your approved program
- meet partner program eligibility criteria
Global Exchange - Scholarships and Grants
UTS, the Australian Government, and other partner organisations offer scholarships and grants to help cover some of the costs associated with your Global Exchange experience. Take a look at the scholarships and grants on offer. It could change your mind on where you would like to go on exchange!
Please note you will automatically be considered for scholarships and grants with an asterisk next to them. No separate application is required for these opportunities. If the number of eligible students exceeds the number of available scholarships and grants, they will be allocated in order of WAM (high to low). If you’re eligible for multiple of these scholarships and grants, example both the NCP Mobility Grant, as UTS Global Exchange grant, you’ll be considered for both, in order of the value of the grant. You can only receive one of these scholarships or grants per exchange.
New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants* and Scholarships
New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants*
The Australian Government's New Colombo Plan Mobility Program (NCP) (opens an external site) provides grants to support Australian students to undertake study in the Indo-Pacific region. The NCP Mobility Grant is used to assist you with your living expenses while you are completing a global mobility program. These grants are available to students completing an exchange to one of the listed Indo-Pacific countries.
Students will automatically be considered for a grant when they submit a Global Exchange application.
The following grants are available for Exchange in the semesters stated:
Autumn 2026
- China & Hong Kong – 5 x $8500
- Indonesia – 3 x $8500 (additionally a limited number of $10,000 grants are available for the ACICIS program in Indonesia. These are not administered by UTS, but are awarded and paid by ACICIS)
- Japan – 15 x $8500
- Malaysia – 3 x $8500
- Singapore – 4 x $8500
- South Korea – 2 x $8500
Spring 2025
- China & Hong Kong – 13 x $7000
- Indonesia – a limited number of grants valued at $7000 are available for the ACICIS program in Indonesia. These are not administered by UTS, but are awarded and paid by ACICIS.
- Japan – 12 x $7000 grants
- Singapore – 5 x $8500
- South Korea – 4 x $8500
New Colombo Plan Scholarship Program
The New Colombo Plan Scholarship Program provides prestigious, high-value scholarships for Australian undergraduate students. The scholarships will support you to undertake semester-based study, and internships or mentorships in participating Indo-Pacific locations. For more information, please see the New Colombo Plan Scholarship Program page.
UTS Global Exchange Grants*
UTS International offers Global Exchange Grants to assist UTS students with some of the costs of going on exchange. These grants will be awarded on the basis of weighted average mark.
The following grants are available for Autumn 2026:
- Up to 35 x $1000 grants
In addition the below $1000 grants will also be available for students going to the following partner universities*:
- Chinese University of Hong Kong, SAR China 2 x $1000 grant
- Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia 2 x $1000 grant
- University of Bergen, Norway 2 x $1000 grant
- University of Valencia, Spain 2 x $1000 grant
- University of Lausanne, Switzerland 2 x $1000 grant
* Any grants not awarded for these partner universities will be put back into the pool of available $1000 grants
ISEP Grant:
- 2 x $2,500
The following grants are available for Spring 2025:
- Up to 33 x $1000 grants
In addition the below $1000 grants will also be available for students going to the following partner universities*:
- University of Helsinki, Finland 2 x $1000 grant
- Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Austria 2 x $1000 grant
- University of Victoria, Canada 2 x $1000 grant
- Université de Lausanne, Switzerland 2 x $1000 grant
- Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenia 2 x $1000 grant
- Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain 2x $1000 grant
* Any grants not awarded for these partner universities will be put back into the pool of available $1000 grants
ISEP Grant:
- 2 x $2,500
Dr Chau Chak Wing Scholarship
*Currently unavailable*
The Dr Chau Chak Wing Scholarship (Exchange and Study Abroad) aims to assist UTS coursework students who will undertake one session of study at a UTS-approved university in China, as part of their UTS degree course.
Erasmus+ Exchange Grants - European Union
Erasmus+ helps organise student and doctoral candidate exchanges within Erasmus+ Programme countries and to and from partner countries.
The following grants are available for Spring 2025:
Austria - WU Vienna University of Economics and Business offers 1 Erasmus + grant for students studying in the UTS / WU MBA dual degree. Awardees receive up to €6235 (up to €1735 travel support and up to €4500 individual support). Individual support is paid as a stipend. The grant is allocated on the basis of both merit and accessibility status (including non-English speaking background / First in Family / Socio-economic Status). All dual degree students applying to WU Vienna University of Economics and Business will be considered and no application is required.
Belgium - Ghent University: Erasmus+ Travel Grant of €1735 and a living stipend for 4 months of €900, totalling €5335.
This Erasmus+ grant with Ghent University specifically aims to increase Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Global Exchange programs. UTS will preference applicants who face barriers to participate including but not limited to; Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, students from a low socio-economic status background, students from regional/remote areas, students who are first in their immediate family to attend university, students with a disability, students from a non-English speaking background, or the LGBTQI+ community.
Partner University Grants
Partner universities of UTS also have scholarships on offer to support students to come on exchange to their university.
The following grants are available for Autumn 2026:
China - University of Nottingham Ningbo China offers Mobility Scholarships based on academic performance at UTS. Awardees receive a one off payment of 6,000 RMB. Students do not need to submit an application for the scholarship but are automatically considered. Further details can be found here.
Denmark - Aarhus Universitet Faculty of Business and Social Sciences (BSS) offers 1 scholarship of DKK 10,000. The only requirements are that the student(s) complete a full semester at Aarhus BSS and select all their courses within BSS. The scholarship will be disbursed upon the student(s)’ arrival in Denmark. The grant is allocated on the basis of academic merit, and all students applying to Aarhus Universitet Faculty of Business and Social Sciences for exchange can apply.
Germany - Baden-Württemberg Scholarship Program is to promote international exchange of highly qualified students. Please note that due to the large number of applications and a restricted budget not all the students will automatically receive the scholarship. The selection process is made according to academic records once placed for exchange. Partners include only Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Universität Mannheim, Hochschule der Medien and Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd.
Indonesia - Universitas Indonesia offers one UI Shine grant of IDR 22,500,000 including Visa application fee. The grant is allocated on the basis of academic merit, and all students applying to Universitas Indonesia for exchange can apply. Refer here for further details and application instructions.
The following grants are available for Spring 2025:
China - University of Nottingham Ningbo China offers Mobility Scholarships based on academic performance at UTS. Awardees receive a one off payment of 6,000 RMB. Students do not need to submit an application for the scholarship but are automatically considered. Further details can be found here.
Germany - Baden-Württemberg Scholarship Program is to promote international exchange of highly qualified students. Please note that due to the large number of applications and a restricted budget not all the students will automatically receive the scholarship. The selection process is made according to academic records once placed for exchange. Partners include only Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Universität Mannheim, Hochschule der Medien and Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd.
Indonesia - Universitas Indonesia offers one UI Shine grant of IDR 22,500,000 including Visa application fee. The grant is allocated on the basis of academic merit, and all students applying to Universitas Indonesia for exchange can apply. Refer here for further details and application instructions.
Switzerland - Universität Zürich offers one scholarship of CHF 2500. The scholarship will be to assist with supporting a student with accommodation at the University of Zurich. The scholarship will be allocated on the basis of academic merit, and all students applying to the University of Zurich will automatically be considered.
Loans and payments
In addition to the scholarships and grants on offer, you may be eligible to apply for an OS-HELP loan or Centrelink payments to help you with the cost of your overseas experience.
OS-HELP loans
OS-HELP is an Australian Commonwealth Government-funded loan scheme that assists eligible students to undertake some of their Australian course of study overseas. OS-HELP loans are available for in-person programs only.
Global Exchange
Students participating in the UTS Global Exchange Program, and who meet the OS-HELP Loan eligibility requirements, can apply for the OS-HELP loan after they have been accepted in the program and nominated to an exchange partner institution. Students may receive one loan per six-month study period for one or two overseas study periods.
Students who choose to study in Asia you can apply for a higher loan amount and access loans for Asian language courses (not for credit) that will help you prepare to live and study in your destination country.
Learn more about OS-HELP Loans.
Global Short Programs
Students who have been approved to participate in a Global Short Program may be eligible for an OS-HELP Loan.
OS-HELP Loans are only available for non-virtual Global Short Programs, and amounts vary depending on whether your program is in Asia or not in Asia.
Centrelink payments
Global Exchange
Full-time students who are going on exchange may be eligible for Centrelink payments. Before your departure, UTS International will give you a letter that verifies your planned session of Global Exchange. You will need to take this letter to your local Centrelink office to have your eligibility assessed. Find your local Centrelink office (opens an external site).
Global Short Programs
If you are currently receiving Centrelink benefits, you must notify Centrelink about your travel before you leave Australia to participate in your program. You must notify Centrelink regardless of whether or not you are receiving credit points for participation in this program. You are advised to review the conditions affecting your Centrelink Benefit while travelling overseas (opens an external site). You are also advised to check the Portability conditions (opens an external site) under the section entitled "Student overseas travel time".
Upon completion of all pre-departure requirements, the Global Short Programs team will supply you with a letter you can take to Centrelink to advise them of your impending travel and participation in a short-term overseas program.
If you are receiving credit points for your participation in a Global Short Program or a Faculty-led program (such as a DAB Global Studio) and you alert Centrelink that you will be travelling overseas, your Centrelink payments will not be interrupted. You may need to show Centrelink your study plan to confirm that you are enrolled in the course for which the international travel is a component.
Other opportunities
Nicolas Baudin Travel Grant (France) Internship
The Embassy of France offers scholarships for a dedicated internship program. Students undertake in France can receive approximately AUD 5,000 shared grants funded by the Embassy, Host University (in France) and UTS*.
Internships can start from 1 September to 31 December 2024 and last from 4-6 months.
*Funding from UTS is contingent your home faculty approval
To find out on how to apply please go here Nicolas Baudin Internships in France Initiative | Campus France
Read an article about Nicholas Baudin Internships recipient and UTS FEIT student, Iman Rahimi.
Contact with any questions.